Uposatha Service & Dhamma talk by Ven. Ariyadhammika

Uposatha Service & Dhamma talk by Ven. Ariyadhammika

We invite you to join us this Friday 15 September on the new-moon day of the month Assayuja, for the evening Uposatha Service and a Dhamma talk by Ven. Ariyadhammika, Saṅghaṇāyaka of Sasanarakha Buddhist Sanctuary Monk Training Centre in Taiping. Ven. Ariyadhammika, who is from Austria, was ordained in 2005 in Myanmar with Pa-Auk Sayadaw as his preceptor and meditation teacher.

In 2010, Ven. Ariyadhammika trained for 3 years in Thailand including at Wat Pah Nanachat and then studied Pāli, Suttanta and the Vinaya under the guidance of Ven. Aggacitta Mahāthera until 2015. Ven. Ariyadhammika returned from Sri Lanka to Malaysia in 2018 and has since been the Saṅghaṇāyaka of SBS.

The service will commence at 8pm with Buddha puja. All are welcome!