Come join ‘F.U.N.’ with Nalanda youths

Come join ‘F.U.N.’ with Nalanda youths

Nalanda Youth Centre is organising the Fellowship Undergraduate Network (F.U.N.) programme with the theme ‘Leading with Purpose’.  F.U.N. is a 6-session programme open to all university students aged 18 – 23 years old and will be held at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.

Let us together develop essential skills, discover our strengths and weaknesses, and cultivate leadership qualities needed for personal and professional success. We will be exploring different qualities such as self-discovery, effective communication, teamwork, resilience, and the art of inspiring others.

The programme includes workshops, hands-on activities and field trips.  All sessions will be conducted in English, and will take place from 2pm to 5pm on the following dates :

7, 14, 21 October  |  4, 11, 18 November

Share this news with your friends, and invite them to register online here.  Registration is open until 1 October 2023.  For further enquiries, please contact Dexel Loo at 011-1063 3919 or Xinting Chan at 011-2710 9228.  We look forward to welcoming you to join FUN!