4th Memorial of Ven. Dhammavuddho

4th Memorial of Ven. Dhammavuddho

22 December 2023 marks the 4th anniversary of the passing of Venerable Dhammavuddho Mahāthera, a Malaysian monk of Chinese descent who dedicated his life to the Dhamma.   Ordained in the Theravada tradition in 1986, he founded Vihara Buddha Gotama, a forest monastery in Perak dedicated to the practice and propagation of the Buddha’s discourses and monastic discipline.

Ardent in sharing the Dhamma for the benefit of others, Ven. Dhamamvuddho authored numerous Dhamma books, delivered and recorded expositions on the five Nikāyas systematically.  His legacy of a life well-lived continues to inspire many, having persevered through formidable obstacles in order to learn the Buddha’s teachings.

With reverence and gratitude in our hearts, we wish Ven. Dhammavuddho the highest blessings of Peace.  May he attain the final bliss of Nibbāna.