Cultivating mindfulness with Luang Por Kalyano

Cultivating mindfulness with Luang Por Kalyano

Participants and volunteers have much gratitude to Luang Por for his teaching and guidance.

Last weekend, from 12 to 14 January 2024, over 95 participants and volunteers gathered to learn and cultivate mindfulness in a meditation retreat led by Luang Por Kalyano, Abbot of Buddha Bodhivana Monastery, Australia.  Luang Por advised us that with the start of the new year, we can begin it well through cultivating good habits and generating good kamma.  A most fruitful way to do so, is to live in the present moment, as taught by the Buddha.

When we meditate, we can observe how we often want to escape from bodily pains to look for pleasure instead.  Luang Por shares that this pain is minor compared to the suffering in ‘samsara’.  “With each moment that you can be mindful of your breath, that is a victorious moment of staying in the present moment.  By maintaining mindfulness moment to moment, you become mindful all the time.”

“We can experience dukkha as long as we have the body. We have dukkha when there is craving and attachment out of ignorance. We too can experience cessation of dukkha when we let go of defilements, from moment to moment.”

Sis. Nandini Tan leads members and volunteers to welcome Luang Por Kalyano, Tan Ajahn Khemaramsi and Tan Ajahn Saccadhammo to Wisdom Park.

Venerable teachers lead the yogis in the evening chanting.

Yogis grow their mindfulness with walking meditation.

“Negative thoughts are like water that is always flowing downwards. Mindfulness is like a dam. The dam stops the water, so that the water (energy) can be channelled for better use.”

Dhamma is needed to sustain the heart and mind, just as we need food for the sustenance of the body. When we learn Dhamma, we must also apply the teachings to our daily lives in order to experience contentment, peace and joy.  We must remember to be patient with ourselves on this path by making the effort to fulfill our spiritual aspirations and not give up.

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to Luang Por Kalyano, the Organising Committee, volunteers and participants for your support in making this retreat an inspiring and encouraging learning experience for all.  May all of us continue in our daily practice of honing our mindfulness as we progress on our spiritual path.  Sadhu anumodana.

“Start every meditation with a beginner mindset. Although you have done it a thousand times, never be complacent. Do every time like the first time.”

Venerable monks lead the yogis in the morning mindful walk.

Luang Por compassionately answers questions raised by yogis about their practice.

Offering, with much gratitude, of “guru-dakkhina” (honour to teachers) to thank them for their tireless efforts in teaching Dhamma.

Volunteers and yogis gather to thank and send off venerable sirs.

We also thank all volunteers who have made this retreat a conducive one for all yogis.

For more photos, please click here