Buddhist Societies from Sarawak visit Nalanda Centre

Buddhist Societies from Sarawak visit Nalanda Centre

Thank you for coming to visit us at Nalanda!

On Sunday 16 June, Nalanda members welcomed leaders from five Buddhist societies in Sarawak for an exchange at Nalanda Centre.  This visit organised by YBAM (Young Buddhist Association Malaysia) Sarawak State Liaison Committee (马佛青砂拉越州联委会), provided an opportunity for everyone to make new acquaintances and learn from each other.

We thank the organisers as well as leaders from YBAM Sarawak, Kuching Tze Yin Buddhist Orthodox Association (古晋慈云佛教正信会), Kuching Buddhist Society (古晋佛教居士林), Sibu Buddhist Association (诗巫佛教会) and Kapit Buddhist Association (加帛佛教会) for visiting us, and establishing connections from across the South China Sea.   May your efforts to learn and propagate Dhamma reap much benefits for you and the wider community.  Sukhihontu.

Receiving our guests upon their arrival at Nalanda Centre.

Paying homage to the Three Jewels and Taking Refuge in the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha.

Sis. Nandini Tan welcoming the group and making introductions.

Bro. Tay Boon Seng, from YBAM Sarawak SLC, introduces the leaders and members from the Buddhist societies in Sarawak.

Sis. Livin Leow guided a group for a tour of the Centre.

Bro. Charlie Teng led a tour for part of the group.

Sis. Buddhini Tan expresses our thanks for the visit and wishing them well in their Dhamma propagation work.

Presenting the colouring book ‘Little Jewels’, a publication by Nalanda.

For more photos, please click here