K. Sri Dhammananda 18th Memorial Day

K. Sri Dhammananda 18th Memorial Day

Today marks the 18th anniversary of Venerable Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda’s passing (on 31 August 2006).  Venerable Dhammananda spent most of his life building and nourishing the growth of the Theravāda Buddhist community in Malaysia.   Under his spiritual leadership, many Buddhist societies were established since the 1960s and continue to benefit Dhamma learners and practitioners today.

To pay tribute to Venerable Dhammananda who offered the gift of Dhamma to many, let us commit to read a Dhamma book or listen to a recorded talk of the late venerable, and dedicate merits to him with much gratitude.  May his words of wisdom spur us on in our spiritual practice.

“The man who is not at peace with himself cannot be at peace with the world, and external wars have to continue in order to hide the fact from individuals that the real war is within.

The most important prayer of humankind today is for peace, but there can be no peace in this war-torn world until the conflicts of man within himself are ended.”