Gratitude abounds at BPS 307 Convocation Ceremony

Gratitude abounds at BPS 307 Convocation Ceremony

BPS 307 graduates with their hard-earned certificates in this group photo.

On Saturday 9 November, Nalanda Institute Malaysia hosted the Convocation Ceremony & Gratitude Day for graduates of BPS 307 – Certificate in Buddhist Studies.  Over 100 people were present to celebrate this milestone for 57 graduates who persevered over the past five months in learning basic Buddhist Doctrines, as well as imbuing Dhamma practices and reflections into their daily lives.

Institute Director, Achariya Tan Siang Chye applauded the graduates for their efforts and encouraged them to continue learning and integrating the teachings such as the practice of Dana-Sila-Bhavana in their lives.  He called upon them to strive forth along this Noble Eightfold Path with wisdom and confidence, and share the light of Dhamma with the people surrounding them for their happiness.

The event started with Achariya Abhivadana to pay our respects and express our gratitude to all our spiritual teachers past and present.

Ach. S. Vijaya and Ach. Tan Siang Chye make offerings on behalf of the congregation.

Taking the Three Refuges and Five Precepts together.

Hosting the event is Bro. Tong Siong Yeow.

“We aspire to connect with the lineage and continue to pursue Buddhist education for the peace and happiness of mankind and future generations.”

Ach. Vijaya advised the graduates that this is just the beginning of their learning journey.

Chairman Emeritus of Nalanda Education Committee, Achariya S. Vijaya shared that our missionary and education efforts emulate that of the Buddha, when He set in motion the Wheel of Dhamma over 26 centuries ago with these words to His disciples – “Wander, monks, for the benefit & happiness of many, out of compassion for the world, for the welfare, benefit, & happiness of human beings and devas.”

On behalf of all graduates, Student Representative Sis. Lisa Phang, shared her gratitude and appreciation to the lecturers and volunteers for enabling them to gain valuable learnings and experience.  With much rejoice, family and friends rejoiced in the presentation of certificates for the graduates’ achievements and performance of excellence, including - “Oustanding Individual Assignment”,  “Best Group Assignment”, and “Best Written Evaluation”.  18 graduates were also recognised for “Full Attendance”.

Students offer ‘Guru-dakkhina’ to thank the Course lecturers for putting in effort and patience to deliver the lessons, providing advice, and clearing their doubts.

We also thank all the facilitators and volunteers for their support throughout the Course.

Participants formed Dhamma families and celebrate together after months of supporting and learning from each other.

Families took part in the awards ceremony as well.

A performance by the graduates to express their appreciation.

A special thanks to Sis. Sandy Lim who has been the lead coordinator for the Course.

Dhamma families rejoicing together.

We extend our appreciation to all organisers, lecturers, good friends, and volunteers. May the BPS 307 graduates be blessed with the support of good friends and spiritual guides as they continue on their Dhamma journey.  May the Buddha-Sāsana continue to spread far for the good, happiness, and welfare of mankind.  Sadhu anumodana!

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