Hosting Ven. Ajahn Nando at Nalanda

Hosting Ven. Ajahn Nando at Nalanda

We are honoured to host Ven. Ajahn Nando on his maiden visit to Nalanda. During his 3-day stay, Ajahn delivered a Dhamma teaching to the community on the importance of spiritual friendship.

From 6 – 8 March, we were honoured to host Ven. Ajahn Nando on his maiden visit to Nalanda.  During his stay, devotees had the opportunity to make offerings and learn from Ajahn’s Dhamma teaching delivered on Friday, 7 March.

Ven. Ajahn Nando shared on the importance of good spiritual friends.   He said that the Buddha taught that Kalyanamitta (good spiritual friend) is the whole of the holy life.  This friendship blossoms with sincerity, loving-kindness and mutual support.  Good friends also help us to progress as they care enough to point out both the good and bad in us, for our benefit.

6 MARCH – Welcoming Ven. Ajahn Nando to Nalanda Centre.

6 MARCH – Bro. Ajita Lim leading Ven. Ajahn Nando on a tour of Nalanda Centre.

7 MARCH – Ven. Ajahn Nando delivering a Dhamma teaching to the community.

7 MARCH – Ven. Ajahn Nando delivering a Dhamma teaching to the community.

7 MARCH – Devotees had the opportunity to ask questions on the Dhamma.

7 MARCH – Devotees had the opportunity to ask questions on the Dhamma.

Each morning, devotees undertake the Three Refuges and observe the Five Precepts, administered by Ajahn.

Ajahn also advised us to put effort in maintaining these friendships by being a good friend ourselves, so that we can together persist in maintaining wholesome qualities whilst working to abandon that which are unwholesome.  We extend our appreciation to Ajahn Nando for his advice and friendship.  May Ajahn be blessed with good health, good friends and may his noble efforts be successful.

Devotees also had the opportunity to offer breakfast and lunch dāna.

Devotees also had the opportunity to offer breakfast and lunch dāna.

Ven. Ajahn Nando also visited Wisdom Park, hosted by Dr. Chen.

Ven. Ajahn Nando also visited Wisdom Park, hosted by Dr. Chen.

Ven. Ajahn Nando making offerings at the shrine of Ven. Ajahn Chah of whose lineage he ordained and trained under.

Devotees at Wisdom Park offering lunch dāna to Ajahn.

Devotees at Wisdom Park thanking Ajahn for visiting.

Devotees took leave, asked for forgiveness and requested for ovāda (admonishment).