Gimhana second Service Sunday

Gimhana second Service Sunday

Interesting group discussions as participants expressed their observations and experiences.

The second Service Sunday of the Gimhana period was held on 16 June. It was heartening to hear personal sharings from Sis. Margaret Ng, Sis. Buddhini Tan and Bro. Lee Teck Beng, who shared how the Buddha-Dhamma has impacted their lives, and how thankful they are for the opportunity to learn Dhamma and to serve the community.

After the sharings, attendees performed various voluntary services such as cleaning the Centre and arranging books in the library, before regathering for group discussions.  With the question, “What is your approach towards Service?”, the session was very interactive as participants enthusiastically shared their thoughts and feelings.

While some were happy to serve, others found it challenging at first, but gradually learned to overcome those difficulties.  It was a warm and harmonious gathering as devotees got to know the Dhamma, and each other, better!