Felicitations to YBAM on its 43rd Anniversary

Felicitations to YBAM on its 43rd Anniversary

YBAM Leaders visited Nalanda Centre in October 2012. Back row from right: Bro. Ananda Fong, Secretary of Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia; Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan; Bro. Goh Qing Song, President of YBAM. (Photograph from Nalanda Archive.)

Nalanda Buddhist Society wishes to congratulate the leadership and members of the Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia (YBAM) on their 43rd Anniversary!  Throughout the past four decades, generations of YBAM central and state leaders have been working tirelessly for the advancement of the Buddhist cause in Malaysia.

Nalanda would like to express our appreciation and acknowledgment to YBAM for playing a pivotal role in the development of Buddhism in this country.  We hope that YBAM will carry on with their noble efforts in tandem with all Malaysian Buddhist organizations, to continue propagating the Buddha-Dhamma harmoniously.  We wish YBAM a memorable anniversary! Sadhu Anumodana.


With felicitations,

The Board of Management, Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia

29 July 2013