Back from camp with joy and inspiration

Back from camp with joy and inspiration

“Truly inspiring!”  That was the most oft-repeated comment by many participants at the Dhamma-Living Camp. After 4 days of joyous communal living, the 120 participants returned from Genting Highlands with renewed source of energy and a heightened sense of urgency to ‘live in accordance to Dhamma’.

Bro.Tan’s motivating teaching was the anchor of our camp. His insightful talks constantly provoked our reflections into our own conduct and character.  Through much laughter and tears of joy (and sometimes remorse!), we could see the Dhamma much more clearly now!  As some participants recounted, the learning from this camp is ‘life-changing’!

We shall be sharing more photographs here with you soon.  But for now, we would just like to share our joy.  Deep gratitude and much appreciation to the Nalandian organisers of this fantastic camp!  Thank you for this highest gift of Dhamma!

Some of the main camp organisers (from left) : Bro. Charlie, Sis. Nandini, Sis. Joanne, and Sis. Faith.