Ajahn Jayanto’s first visit to Nalanda Centre

Ajahn Jayanto’s first visit to Nalanda Centre

Both venerables having a chat after lunch dāna.

On Wednesday 27 November, Nalanda Centre welcomed the maiden visit of Ven. Ajahn Jayanto from Amaravati Buddhist Monastery, UK.  Devotees took the opportunity to offer lunch dāna to both Ven. Sri Pandit Henepola Gunaratana Nāyaka Maha Thero and Ven. Ajahn Jayanto.

Ajahn Jayanto sharing his personal experiece in his Dhamma practice.

In the evening, Ajahn Jayanto was invited to give a Dhamma talk.  Ajahn shared his experience in his early years as a bhikkhu, and reminded us on the importance of awareness, reflection and the practice of Dhamma in our daily living.  We were also blessed to have the presence of Ven. Gunaratana during the talk.

On behalf of an appreciative audience, Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan requested for ‘ovada’ from Ven. Gunaratana, who graciously accepted the invitation with the teaching of how ‘we protect the Dhamma in order for the Dhamma to protect us’.  Ven. Gunaratana also advised Nalandians to reinforce their courage, determination and passion so as to fulfill its educational mission for the benefit of many people.

‘If we take care of the umbrella, the umbrella will protect us from rain and shine. Similarly, Dhamma protects those who practise it diligently.’ - Ven. Gunaratana.

Bro. Tan concluded the session by wishing both venerables success in their dhammaduta work, and remain an inspiration for all practitioners!  Sadhu.