Nalanda Officers attend Education Workshop

Nalanda Officers attend Education Workshop

Bro.Tan sharing about the concept of "Essential Education" with 70 Nalanda officers.

Since early this morning, Nalandian officers have been arriving at our ‘spiritual home’ – Nalanda Centre, to attend the 2-day Nalanda Education Workshop.  In the first session from 10am to 12pm, Bro.Tan introduced the concept of “Essential Education” that will form the basis for Nalanda’s educational programmes for the next 20 years.

After the lunch break, 70 officers began Session 2, where they discussed the programmes leading to ‘better Dhamma application, practice, and understanding’.  In the evening, there was a celebratory dinner for all officers present, to fete everyone’s sacrifice and spiritual progress for the year.

Bro. Pee sharing his inspiring experience with fellow Nalandian officers.

Nalanda officers Bro. Pee Che Yong and his wife Sis. Yee Sook Fen made an appearance at Nalanda Centre after his recent bout of illness and hospitalisation.  Their arrival was greeted with thunderous applause from all Nalandians.  Bro. Pee and Sis. Yee gave touching and inspiring sharings about their recent experiences, and emphasized the importance of learning and practising the Dhamma earnestly so that we are ‘protected’ when facing difficult times.

Youth members joining the Workshop having their simple lunch.

We would like to thank all Nalanda officers for their participation in this workshop, and their wonderful community service through Nalanda.  Many people have benefited, and are benefiting, from their invaluable work.  May everyone continue to strive on diligently in our practice and service.  Sadhu anumodana!