Nalanda Dharma School 2013 Honours Day

Nalanda Dharma School 2013 Honours Day

Students rejoicing over the School's achievement throughout the year.

On New Year’s Eve, all members of Nalanda Dharma School came together for the School reunion of the year.  This was the day where all members reflect and rejoice over the School’s achievements.  It was also to celebrate the contributions and progress made by students throughout the year.

Students acting out a drama with much enthusiasm.

The evening started with drama performances by both Naga and Garuda Houses, followed by a poetry recital by Nalanda Youth members.  This year, students from NEO Centre Happy Garden also presented a choral-speaking performance.  All these performances were coordinated by the students themselves with the guidance from School facilitators.

After that, the students mindfully marched into Srivijaya Hall accompanied by the continuous toiling of bells and rhythmic beating of the drums.

Medal recipients were brimming with joy over their hard work throughout the year.

The highlight of the evening was the Award Ceremony, when certificates, medals, trophies and gifts were presented to students in recognition of their personal growth, improvement and selfless service towards the School.

Naga House students receiving the "Dhammavijaya Challenge Trophy" from President Lee Kong Foo.

For 2013, Naga House clinched the “Dhammavijaya Challenge Trophy” by earning 1209 points to Garuda’s 1096!  We would like to congratulate Nalanda Dharma School for another successful and a fruitful year!