“Nalanda TV” Launched Today!

“Nalanda TV” Launched Today!

We are pleased to announce the launching of Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia’s new multimedia channel – Nalanda TV.

Please enjoy the pilot episode by clicking the screen below:


We would like to thank Bro. Andrew Tan for producing this pilot episode.  Credit goes to Bro. Losel Chuah and Sis Jia Hwa for creating the ‘Nalanda TV’ multimedia clips.  We also thank the newly-established Nalanda Communications Centre headed by Bro. J. J. Tan and his team members – Sis. Buddhini, Sis. Nandini, Sis. Mudita, Bro. Gan Jia Cheng, and Sis. Joanne for their wonderful first project together!  Sadhu anumodana.