Great fun learning Dhamma for NS Trainees

Great fun learning Dhamma for NS Trainees

Sis. Qi Hua sharing on the four “Divine Mental States”.

It was another fruitful outing for 54 National Service (NS) trainees who attended Service Sunday at Nalanda Centre on 16 February.  Their arrival was warmly greeted by Nalanda youths, who have for the past two months organised a series of interesting activities which aimed at sharing basic Dhamma knowledge with the trainees.

The session started off with Pūja and meditation, followed by an uplifting sharing by Sis. Qi Hua on the four “Divine Mental States” (‘Brahma Vihara’) of Unconditional love, Compassion, Rejoicing, and Equanimity.  To enhance the trainees’ understanding of the topic, several relevant station games were played.  Trainees had lots of fun and participated in them with much enthusiasm.

Sis. Xeyiing sharing the importance of working in harmony.

We are glad that all trainees had an enjoyable time learning the Dhamma at Nalanda.  Through these weekly sessions, Nalanda youths have managed to build a closer relationship with NS trainees.  Perhaps a new batch of Buddhist youths is found!

The NS trainees having lots of laughter and fun while learning together!