Inaugural AGM for Sungai Petani Branch

Inaugural AGM for Sungai Petani Branch

Bro. Tan addressing the members at the inaugural AGM in Sungai Petani.

The inaugural Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) was successfully held on Saturday 22 February, at Cinta Sayang Resort, Kedah.  At the meeting, members elected a Management Committee to lead the branch for the next two years, headed by Chairman Bro. Khaw Seng Giap and Deputy Chairman Bro. Teoh Soon Liang.  Sis. Sumedha Lee is the new Branch Secretary, while Bro. Por Lee Tee was elected the Branch Treasurer.

The AGM was conducted in high spirits and great concord, with attendance rate of 91%. Nalanda’s Honorary Secretary Sis. Buddhini Tan, Assistant Secretary Sis. Mudita Chan, and Board Member Sis. Joyce Lim represented Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia at the branch meeting. Founder Bro. Tan was also there as the Guest of Honour.

Nalandians in the North having a group photograph after the AGM.

Moving on, all branch members agreed to meet every month to learn the Dhamma and to receive training as Nalandians.  We congratulate Nalandians in the North for successfully holding their first ever Branch AGM, and wish the new Management Committee a joyful and fruitful term of service.  Sadhu!

Members of the Pro-tem Committee who spearheaded the formation of the branch were acknowledged by the congregation one after another.