A wholesome ‘Silver Lining’ Day

A wholesome ‘Silver Lining’ Day

We rejoice in the youths’ wholesome morning with the Mon children, filled with joy and laughter.

Last Sunday 7 August, 24 Nalanda youths and Dhamma School teenagers visited the Mon Refugee Children Learning Centre on ‘Silver Lining’ Day.  This programme organised by Nalanda Youth Centre, provides an avenue for young volunteers to practice kindness by offering their service to the community.

The group organised various learning and fun activities with the Mon children, focusing on the themes of teamwork and perseverance.  After the visit, the volunteers shared their reflections; many described it as a fulfilling experience and were inspired by the learning attitude, energy and positivity of the Mon children.

The morning started with paying homage to the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha, and taking of the Five Precepts.

Bro. Yap Kuan Yi hosted the session with a light introduction and welcoming.

Youths and Dhamma School students blended well with the children in the ice-breaking activitity.

The children learned through play, the importance of teamwork to achieve their goal.

We would like to thank all donors who contributed educational materials, resources, clothing and food to the Mon learning centre.  We also rejoice in the young volunteers’ wholesome day of service.  Sadhu anumodana!

Bro Yeo Disheng gave a Dhamma sharing on the importance of being humble, learning from our failures and upholding courage to achieve our full potential.

The volunteers had a joyful sing-along of Buddhist hymn with the children.

Volunteers were grateful for the opportunity to learn with the children in this meaningful programme.

We thank all donors for contributing resources to support the children’s learning and sustenance.