By adhering SOPs put in place to protect society, we uphold harmlessness to ourselves and others.
On 17 March 2020, Malaysia grimly recorded its 1st Covid-19 fatality in Kuching, just a day after a nationwide lockdown was announced. Today, the death toll in Malaysia is over 1,200 while globally, that figure is almost 2.7 million. In this period of economic hardship and social upheaval, many of us endured uncertainty, worry and anxiety in dealing with new challenges which arise almost every day.
Now, as restrictions continue to ease around the country, many will return physically to work, schools as well as patronise restaurants and malls. We must continue to have a mentality of kindness and compassion for those around us. Even our simple action of adhering to Covid-19 SOPs help to keep others safe, infection rates low, and reduce the burden of our front-liners.
Let us remember the millions who have succumbed to the pandemic. May they rest in Peace and may their loved ones have the strength to overcome their loss.