Nalanda members made a bold decision at an E.G.M. exactly a year ago to acquire a large track of land in Hulu Selangor, and develop it into a national Buddhist education hub.
It has been a year since the ‘milestone decision’ was made by Nalanda members to purchase a 26-acre parcel of land in Hulu Selangor to be developed into a Buddhist education hub. Nalandians gathered for the General Meeting on 26 July 2015 voted unanimously to acquire the free-hold land for the well-being of many generations to come.
Since that historic day, the conceptual plan for ‘Wisdom Park’® was published on 8 August 2015. The ‘Wisdom Park Development Committee’ was subsequently formed in October 2015, which today comprises 16 members including professionals from many fields, 4 Nalanda members, and 5 representatives of the Buddhist community, so that the interests of the entire community will be covered.
Development Committee members conducted many site visits to draw up a “Master Development Plan” for ‘Wisdom Park’.
The Development Committee has since held 12 meetings and conducted several site visits to draw up the “Master Development Plan” for ‘Wisdom Park’®. The initial phase of development is expected to start in early 2017, and the first building will be opened by the end of 2018.
The education hub will be naturally landscaped to provide a calming and uplifting environment for learning, service and practice.
The entire education hub will eventually encompass a national youth-training academy, teachers’ training centre, Buddhist boarding school, meditation centre, national reference library, Buddhist museum, senior citizens’ home, and residential units for Dhamma practitioners and long-term volunteers.
We are heartily looking forward to the next milestone, which is the ground-breaking ceremony for the first building at the Park. We also need a lot of blessings and material support from Buddhists all over the country and beyond. This bold but strategic project will not succeed without the backing and involvement of the larger community.
Over a period of 3 months, many briefing sessions were organised for the local Buddhist community to explain the concept of Wisdom Park, as well as to obtain feedback for the project. The briefings were well-received by Sangha members and laity alike.
Please help us build this holistic educational facility for the welfare and advancement of the present and future generations. Thank you!