Senior Nalandian officers gathered for the “Achariya-abhivādana” on 14 January before the commencement of Nalanda Institute Convocation ceremony.
One of the most enduring and evocative traditions at Nalanda is the “Achariya-abhivādana” – where Nalandian officers formally pay respect to teachers past and present. The simple ceremony is performed on special occasions such as ‘Buddha Day’, ‘Dhamma Day’, ‘Sangha Day’, ‘Education Day’ (on 11 December), Nalanda’s anniversary celebration (‘Nalanda Day’, on 1 May), and memorial days of departed achariyas.
The most recent “Achariya-abhivādana” was held on 14 January, before the commencement of Nalanda Institute’s Convocation ceremony. Nalanda teachers and senior officers gathered at the Sumangala Room to offer flowers at the altar dedicated to our late Spiritual Adviser, Venerable Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda.
Chairman of Nalanda Education Committee, Achariya S. Vijaya, offered words of thanks to the late venerable teacher, followed by the ‘asking of forgiveness’ and ‘dedication of merits’ led by Bro Tan. This beautiful and meaningful ceremony will be performed again at 8.45am on Saturday, 18 March, which is designated as Nalanda ‘Patrons Day’. Sadhu.