The opportunity to gather with spiritual friends is a blessing which we must cherish.
In the 9th Nalanda National Members’ Convention last week, the Dhamma community came together upholding the spirit of ‘Kalyana mittata” – spiritual and admirable friendships. It was heartening to witness everyone joyfully offering their sincere support to kalyana mittas with care and encouragement through the host of learning sessions and team activities.
Our spiritual friends kindle and inspire wholesome qualities to develop within us that help keep us on the Noble Eightfold Path. This progression is not just through means of associating with good people, but also by learning from them and emulating their good qualities.
Sis. Livin Leow, Chairperson of the Organising Committee and Honorary Secretary of the Society, welcomed everyone to the Convention.
Sis. Joanne Tan hosted the Convention.
Members all ready to go as they prepared for the outdoor learning and reflection programmes.
Nalanda youths presented hymns which reflect the theme of the Convention.
We rejoice in the flourishing camaraderie amongst good friends who together have adopted the common mission of uniting towards a Buddhist missionary. May we all continue to cultivate spiritual friendships by being good friends to one another and for the well-being of many. Sadhu anumodana.
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