Ajahn Narindo on Path of Dhamma

Ajahn Narindo on Path of Dhamma

Ajahn Narindo and Ajahn Thiracitto in a group photo with Nalanda members and devotees.

On Saturday 6 July, Nalanda members and devotees gathered for the Uposatha Evening Service to learn from Ven. Ajahn Narindo.  He shared that Dhamma cultivation brings us on a path that goes against the worldly norms which can be difficult to walk.  However, when we persist in overturning our habitual likes, dislikes and attachments, we will find ourselves experiencing more joy and peace.

The foundation of our practice is the undertaking of precepts which hone our virtues and help us  see beyond ourselves and prioritise the well-being of others.  Ajahn advised that it is important to not be consumed by our wants but instead see it for what it is and the reason why it arises.  With practices such as mindfulness, we can train the mind to see and understanding the Noble Truth of Dukkha (dissatisfaction) more clearly.

The service commenced with offerings and chanting.

Ajahn Narindo shared his personal experience with devotees.

Our attachments to sensual pleasure is a hinderance to our spiritual progress.                         

We thank Ajahn Narindo and Ajahn Thiracitto for visiting us and giving us an opportunity to learn and reflect on the Buddha’s teachings.  We also hope that venerable sirs will return to teach and guide us again when they are in Malaysia.  May venerable sirs be blessed with good health and every success in their noble endeavours.

Watch the video of the talk by clicking here

Devotees had the opportunity to ask Ajahn Narindo questions to clarify.

Ajahn Thiracitto also kindly shared his personal experience on how he started his spiritual journey.

Offerings of requisites on behalf of the Society.