Ajahn Sumedho in Malaysia

Ajahn Sumedho in Malaysia

Ajahn Sumedho arriving for Dhamma talk at Kong Meng Shan Phor Kark See in Singapore last weekend.

We are very pleased to share that Venerable Ajahn Sumedho has arrived in Malaysia from Singapore!  Tonight, Ajahn is giving a public talk at Uttama Bodhi Vihara (UBV) in Bandar Utama, Petaling Jaya, at 7.30pm.

Tomorrow at 9.00am, Nalanda Centre is honoured to host Ajahn Sumedho for Dāna (alms-food offering) followed by Dhamma teaching.  Ajahn will be accompanied by several well-practised forest monks and lay devotees.  We cordially welcome everyone to participate in offering alms-food and listening to Ajahn’s talk.

Many Sangha members turned up to welcome Ajahn Sumedho and to listen to his teachings.

Last weekend, Ajahn Sumedho gave two public talks at Kong Meng San Phor Kark See and Buddhist Fellowship, Singapore.  Both talks were attended by capacity crowds, all eager to tap into Ajahn’s store-house of Dhamma insights.

Observing the 'Three Refuges' before the commencement of Dhamma teachings.

Let us emulate the good example of our Buddhist friends in Singapore, and turn up to welcome Ajahn Sumedho with respect and enthusiasm to learn Dhamma!  Sadhu.

Last Sunday (8 March), Ajahn Sumedho gave another Dhamma talk at Buddhist Fellowship (West Centre).