7th Anniversary of Nalanda Institute

7th Anniversary of Nalanda Institute

Message from the Director of Nalanda Institute

Firstly, let me express my gratitude in being allowed this wonderful opportunity to serve the Buddha-Sāsana as the third Director of Nalanda Institute.  It is an honour to be associated with the Institute, which has over a few short years, built a reputation for the quality and excellence of its programmes.

I am both delighted and humbled to work alongside a team of dedicated and energetic colleagues, who have been inspired to meet the high standards set by my predecessors and the late Spiritual Advisor to Nalanda Buddhist Society, Venerable Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda Nayaka Thera.

I seek the guidance of both these leaders and the support of all Nalandians to ensure the continuity of the Institute’s aspirations.  I look forward to achieving new successes with everyone’s help.

At a time when the pace of change and uncertainty in the world quickens, human beings everywhere look to anchor themselves to a bedrock of calm and reason.  It is therefore important that we are on hand to offer the Buddha’s teachings to those seeking this reassurance, out of compassion and out of loving kindness.  As we steady ourselves spiritually, we can offer those around us the opportunity to steady themselves, too.  I believe that these two efforts must go hand in hand – to uplift ourselves and to help others.

I hope to bring new perspectives to the efforts of Nalanda Institute while valuing the many strategies that work.  As an educator, I believe we must know and meet the needs of those we seek to develop.  Perhaps the Institute can leverage on existing and emerging technologies to further strengthen its teaching approaches.  I look forward to meeting the challenges ahead as a Nalandian team member.  Like a candle, let us share our light.

Thank you.

Tan Siang Chye


Nalanda Institute Officers sharing their thoughts on the Institute’s 7th Anniversary.

Messages from Officers

“Nalanda Institute has achieved much progress in these past 7 years, which cumulatively, proves a substantial and significant contribution to the Buddhist community in Malaysia.  In the coming years, I wish to see further progress that will eventually lead to greater attainments, and also to transcend our current capacities!”

Sis. Sandy Lim
Head of Buddhist & Pāli Studies Department


“I am very proud to be part of Nalanda Institute.  There is still so much to learn; and I aspire to learn together with other officers to serve the community better.  I also look positively to the new Director’s contribution to enhance the current teaching methods and improve on the Institute’s structure, moving forward to a more mature and positive direction.”

Bro. S Y Tong
Head of Leadership & Management Studies Department


“Nalanda Institute has grown a lot since it was established 7 years ago. I am joyful to see the increasing number of participants that have benefited from the courses offered by the Institute. Yet there is still more work to be done.  We should not be easily proud of what Institute has achieved today.  I look forward to Bro. Siang Chye’s new leadership to bring Nalanda Institute to a whole new level.  With a new Director, we can attempt better and more innovative approaches to serve the community. ”

Sis. Janice Leong
Head of Research & Publications Department


“I appreciate and thank all who have contributed to the growth of Nalanda Institute.  Nalanda Institute should continue to expand the work that it is doing.  I hope the Institute can continue to reach out to more people.”

Sis. Santi Cheang
Education Capacity Development Manager


“Nalanda Institute had opened a door for me to learn Buddhism in a structured way.  I am grateful and appreciative of all the efforts by the officers and volunteers in offering many courses to the public.”

Sis. Maggie Chan