Appreciation Tea Party for Volunteers

Appreciation Tea Party for Volunteers

Volunteers watching a tribute video in honour of all contributors to the Family Fun Fair.

On Sunday 21 September, volunteers and stall operators of the recent Nalanda Family Fun Fair 2014 were treated to a tea party to appreciate their contribution towards the success of the event.  About 60 people attended the tea party which was held at the Youth Centre.

Family Fun Fair Organising Committee Chairperson, Sis. Evelyn Chow and Nalanda’s Deputy President, Bro. Lee Teck Beng took turns to convey their deep appreciation at the gathering. Volunteers, too were invited to share their many positive experiences of the Family Fun Fair.

Nalanda officer Sis. Chooi sharing her thoughts at the gathering.

The small gesture from the Organising Committee to host this gathering was in turn appreciated by many officers and volunteers.  Attendees expressed their happiness in being feted at this simple tea party, as well as their joy in serving at the event.  Thank you everyone for your help and contributions in all aspects of Nalanda Family Fun Fair 2014.  Sadhu anumodana!

Volunteers appreciate the small gesture of the Organising Committee in hosting the tea party.