On Monday 31 August, Nalandians from Sri Serdang and Kuala Lumpur branches gathered at our ‘Spiritual Home’ – Nalanda Centre – for Members’ Day. Members present observed a 3-minute silence to pay tribute to our beloved member, the late Sis. Ooi Sock Khoong, who passed away a week before. Sis. Sock Khoong was earnest in her community service and diligent in her Dhamma practice.
Honorary Secretary Bro. Pee welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited a few new members to ‘say a few words’. President Sis. Evelyn then gave a speech advising all Nalandians to move forward and upward in our spiritual cultivation, and to serve selflessly for the benefit of the community. It is not how long that we have been a member that matters, but how much we can contribute.
All members observing a 3-minute silence to pay tribute to our beloved member, the late Sis. Ooi Sock Khoong.
Founder Bro. Tan was invited to address the gathering where he reminded Nalandians to continuously put effort to imbibe the “Eight Core Values”. He also gave updates on ‘Wisdom Park’ and projected the development time-line. ‘Wisdom Park’ will be equipped with facilities to run education and training programmes for future Dhamma teachers, develop future Buddhist community leaders, and introduce Buddhist values, culture and practices to the public.
Members enthusiastically asked many questions about the ‘Wisdom Park’ project. May this noble mission be successful in its development to provide proper and holistic Buddhist education, so that more people can learn Dhamma to achieve well-being, joy and inner peace. Sadhu!