
2 July 2012

Buddhism in Malaysia

"The Buddha had exercised a profound influence on human civilization, and his teachings and example had provided the ethical and moral underpinnings of many societies. His teachings were based on the law of release from suffering, leading to spiritual enlightenment."

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1 July 2012

Buddhist Traditions

Buddhism is a major world religion that developed from the teachings of the Buddha-the Awakened One. It is a uniquely insightful practice that is not based upon beliefs in divinity nor reliance on others for one’s salvation; but on developing right understanding and living a virtuous life to gain liberation from suffering.

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25 May 2012

Nalanda hosts Theravada Council Meeting

Nalanda was honoured to play host to the final meeting of the Theravada Council's Constitutional Drafting Committee on Saturday, 24 March 2012. Attending the meeting were Ven. Sri Saranankara Nayaka Thero, Ven. Aggacitta Maha Thero, and Ven. Dhammavuddho Maha Thero, together with Chairmen of the Pro-tem and Constitutional Drafting Committees, their secretaries and committee members.

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22 May 2012

Meditation Retreat guided by Ayya Susīla

Garbed in saffron robes, with head cleanly shaven and a gentle smile on her lips, Ayya Susīla casts a picture of quiet beatitude that exudes great inspiration to the 35 participants sitting in meditation with her during the 2-day, 1-night meditation retreat at Nalanda Centre.

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21 May 2012

Meet-the-Author Session

An Interactive Discussion with Dr. David R. Loy, author of “The Great Awakening - A Buddhist Social Theory” Dr. Loy began his sharing by saying that the Buddha was a great social revolutionary who advocated egalitarianism during His time in India. Regardless of caste or social status, once ordained and entered the Sangha community, one shed his/her identity and strives only for enlightenment from cycles of birth and death. To the people of India at that time, it was such a revolutionary movement and a great social awakening.

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19 May 2012

Gardening Day

With Wesak fast approaching, we came together on the first day of April to spruce up and beautify our Nandanavana (the Garden of Joyful Delight). There were smiling faces and the positive energy was high as the team worked together in tune with nature.

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19 May 2012

Primary School Full Attendance List

For the Term of January - April 2012 We are happy to announce that more than 140 Nalanda Free School students have successfully completed the first school term with full attendance.  This shows their commitment to their learning, having realised the value of these tuition sessions.  These students have also improved in their learning attitude, conduct and overall academic performance in school.

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18 May 2012

Librarians’ OPAC Training Session

Volunteer librarians gathered on 31 March for a training session on the Senayan Library Management System which features the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC), an online database with thumbnail document image support, Simple Search and Advanced Search modes, adopted by Pustaka Nalanda.

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15 May 2012

Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta Course Part 2

Nalanda Institute welcomed the return of Venerable Aggacitta together with Ven. Balacitta, Ven. U Vijaya, and 95 diligent yogis, for Part Two of the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta Study with Meditation Workshop on 24 and 25 March.

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14 May 2012

Teenagers’ Learning Camp

Aimed at imparting a joyful learning spirit in teenagers as well as strengthening their desire to seek knowledge, a 4-day 3-night camp themed “Joy of Learning” was held during the school holidays in Nalanda Centre. A myriad of activities such as challenging station games, mind-blowing ‘detective hunt’, captivating dharma talks and group discussions had successfully fired up their enthusiasm to learn more!

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