Being “farmer-for-a-day” was a humbling yet invigorating experience for some 46 children aged 9 to 12 during an outing organized by Nalanda Dharma School, which was part of a 3-day children’s learning camp.
Read more7-day 6-night Meditation Retreat at Nalanda Centre Start : Sunday, 3 June 2012, 2pm End : Saturday, 9 June 2012, 5pm
Read more7-Week Dhamma Retreat for Nalandians Nalandians are observing a period of concentrated Dhamma learning and practice from Sunday, 20 May 2012 to Asalha Full-moon, Tuesday, 3 July 2012. The purpose of this Gimhāna Retreat is for us to know ourselves better, and penetrate the Dhamma more deeply through guided, progressive, communal and personal practice. During this period, Bro. H S Tan will be giving teachings on Sundays from 9am-12pm. He will also lead the Group Meditation and Dhamma Discussion on Wednesdays from 8.30pm-10pm. All Nalanda members, volunteers and devotees are invited to join us during this wholesome period to learn and practise together whole-heartedly as spiritual friends (kalyana-mitta) on the path towards peace and bliss! Ehipassiko!
Read more2011-2012 marks the auspicious 2,600th Anniversary of Buddhism. Nalanda is commemorating this pivotal milestone with special study tours to Borobudur in July, and to Sri Lanka in September; followed by a pilgrimage to India and Nepal in December 2012. All these tours will be led by our Founder Bro. H S Tan.
Read moreThe bi-monthly Nalanda Bulletin contains reports on Nalanda's just-concluded activities, as well as highlighting our upcoming events. It provides important information on Nalanda's programmes and progress.
Read moreWesak Day commemorates the three-fold events in the life of the Buddha – His Birth, His Enlightenment and His Passing Away. This year’s celebration marks the 2600th Anniversary of Buddhism. It was through the Buddha’s way of virtuous living and insightful practice that he developed the true understanding to gain liberation from suffering. His lofty attainment of Ultimate Peace was taught compassionately to benefit all beings.
In conjunction with the upcoming Wesak Day, Mr. Vijaya Samarawickrama, the Director of Nalanda Institute, conducted a 3-hour course on the "True Significance of WESAK", which aimed to better inform Buddhists on the right spirit and understanding of celebrating Wesak.
Read more“The practice of giving is universally recognised as one of the most basic human virtues, a quality that testifies to the depth of one’s humanity and one’s capacity for self-transcendence. In the teaching of the Buddha, too, the practice of giving claims a place of special eminence, one which singles it out as being in a sense the foundation and seed of spiritual development.”
Bhikkhu Bodhi
Dāna, the practice of giving, is often related to the quality of generosity (cāga). The highlight here is not so much the physical act of transferring an object from one’s hands to another’s, but rather the inward transformation that gradually takes place as we experience the joy of giving, naturally loosening the knots of greed and hate, allowing us to feel happier and more at peace within.
On Wesak Day, 5 May 2012, Nalanda is hosting several events to encourage the practice of giving and develop the virtue of generosity.