
2 April 2018

15th National A.G.M. concluded joyfully

On Sunday 25 March, Nalanda Buddhist Society members congregated at Nalanda Centre for the Society’s 15th Annual General Meeting.  There was a lot of rejoicing and appreciation for the hard work put in by the Board of Management, EXCO Members, education team, administrative staff, Society members and volunteers which brought Nalanda to a higher level of success in 2017.

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30 March 2018

Sponsorship of windows for KSDC

Having heard and learnt Buddha-Dhamma, we know for certain how beneficial it is for our own development of character and wisdom.  As such, would you like to offer other people a window to the world of Dhamma, too?

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28 March 2018

Workshop sets forward direction

The 3rd Annual Nalanda Education Workshop (N.E.W.) was conducted on 20 January 2018 to re-align our programmes and activities to fit Nalanda’s education philosophy.  Nalandian education officers from all over the country convened for this important training which provided deeper insights into the importance of integrating Dhamma knowledge (‘vijja’), practice (‘carana’), values, and culture into our approach to Buddhist education.

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27 March 2018

Visit to future monks’ training facility

On his recent trip to India, Nalanda founder Bro.Tan took the opportunity to visit Lokuttara Mahāvihāra, a Theravāda monastery near Aurangabad, Maharashtra, where he met with its abbot, Ven. Bodhipālo Mahāthera.  With the help of the laity, Ven. Bodhipālo reported that the All India Bhikkhu Sangha is constructing a training centre for Indian monks at the vihāra.

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24 March 2018

Progress of ‘KSDC’ ahead of schedule

Construction of the proposed ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centre’ in Sri Serdang is making good progress; work is estimated to be 61% completed – three weeks ahead of original schedule.  Wall plastering is on-going externally and internally, as with plumbing and electrical wiring.

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23 March 2018

Seoul wants employees to work less

Reported by BBC International.

The metropolitan government in South Korea’s capital Seoul is introducing a new initiative to force its employees to leave work on time – by shutting down all their computers at 8.00pm on Fridays.  It says it is trying to stop a “culture of working overtime”.

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21 March 2018

Last male Northern White Rhino died

‘Sudan’, the last male Northern White Rhino, was euthanized on 19 March in Kenya after suffering ailments due to old age; he was 45.  With his death, there are only two other individuals from this subspecies left – ‘Najin’ and ‘Fatu’ – both females.  That means extinction for the majestic Northern White Rhino is only two deaths away.

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19 March 2018

Video tribute to our venerable teacher

As Malaysian Buddhists celebrate the 100th birth anniversary of the late Venerable Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda (1918 – 2006) this week, we shall forever be grateful to his prolific teachings and writings which have benefited thousands of people in understanding and appreciating the Buddha-Dhamma.

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18 March 2018

Birth centenary of an iconic Dhammaduta

Today is the 100th birth anniversary of the late Venerable Dr. Kirinde Sri Dhammananda Nāyaka Mahā Thero (1918 – 2006),  Sanghanāyaka Thera of Malaysia and Singapore, and Spiritual Adviser to Nalanda Buddhist Society.  Nalandians humbly pay tribute to his immeasurable contributions to the development of Malaysian Buddhism, and his invaluable teachings for our understanding and appreciation of Buddha-Dhamma.

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17 March 2018

Obituary – Ven. Dr. T. Sangharatana

It is with deep respect and a heavy heart that we announce the passing away of Venerable T. Sangharatana Nāyaka Thero earlier today, 17 March 2018.  He was well regarded for his social service in Bangalore, India, as the founding member of the Maha Mahinda Dhammaduta Propagating Society, which serves the socio-welfare needs of the lower strata of Indian people.

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