Thinking of supporting a worthy and impactful project this Wesak? Consider donating towards Wisdom Park where we are building facilities to train future community leaders and lay Dhamma teachers. Indeed, the growth and success of Malaysian Buddhism depends very much on these two essentials – the availability of good leaders and effective teachers.
Read moreDo you know that with a pint of blood you donate, 3 lives can potentially be saved? Welcome to our “Blood Donation & Organ-Pledge Campaign” which will be held at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang this Sunday, 27 May, from 10 am to 4 pm.
Read moreWesak month full-moon commemorates the Blessed One’s Enlightenment 26 centuries ago, and marks the beginning of Buddhist Year (B.E.) 2562. Nalanda will observe ‘Buddha Day’ from 26 May (Saturday) to 29 May (Tuesday) with many wholesome activities. We joyfully invite you to join us for the following programmes starting this weekend:
Read moreNalanda Youth Centre is grateful to Bro.Tan for guiding us in the “Meditation Day” programme on 19 May, where 183 youths aged 16 to 29 spent a wholesome day learning about Mettā (Loving-kindness) and practising it together.
Read moreToday marks the beginning of Ramadhan when Muslims fast daily from dawn to dusk for a month. This practice of restraint, modesty, and renunciation is not just with regards to food, but also concerns conduct, speech and thoughts. Nalanda wishes our Muslim friends ‘Selamat Berpuasa’, and a blessed Ramadhan Al-Mubarak. Salam mettā.
Read moreTeacher’s Day is an important occasion on Nalanda Buddhist Society’s annual calendar because we are an educational institution. Without education, we cannot have a civilization.
Read moreToday Malaysians went back for their first working day after the 14th General Elections with a new federal government and many new state leaders at the helm. It was Malaysia’s first transfer of power at the federal level since independence, and we should be proud that it was a remarkably peaceful one.
Read moreAre you feeling stressed? Worried? Disappointed? If you are concerned about your mental well-being, come join our one-day meditation retreat on Mettā to learn ways to free yourself from negative mental states.
Read moreOn the historic day of 9 May 2018, the people of Malaysia have spoken loud and clear. In a courageous move, the Rakyat* repudiated a regime that was seen as corrupt, racist, and not in line with our collective aspirations. But we did not effect change in a violent revolution — that is not the Malaysian way. We did it by discovering a national conscience, and through exercising our constitutional right to vote.
Read moreIn the heat of our current election fever, let us stay cool for a moment. Consider that the vast majority of Malaysians express love for our country, what does it actually mean to “love” Malaysia?
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