
24 April 2018

K. Sri Dhammananda Centre updates

We are happy to report that construction of the proposed ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centre’ continues to progress smoothly with only 32% of work remaining.  The Centre’s interior is gradually being fitted out, and work has shifted to the exterior façade.

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23 April 2018

Spirited meeting of Nalandian youths

On Sunday 10 March, young Nalandians came together for an upbeat first Members’ Day of the year at Nalanda Youth Centre in Sri Serdang.  Members’ Day is held periodically to update youth members about the latest developments at Nalanda, and to share inspiring lessons and success stories with each other.

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22 April 2018

Marking ‘Earth Day’ at Wisdom Park

22 April is celebrated as ‘Earth Day’ in more than 170 countries with meaningful activities to promote environmental awareness and responsibility.  Nalandian volunteers marked the special occasion by planting trees at the site of Wisdom Park in Hulu Selangor.

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19 April 2018

‘Silver Lining Day’ for youths

Nalanda Youth Centre initiated the quarterly ‘Silver Lining Day’ in 2016 to encourage and involve young adults to perform social services to underprivileged communities.  By participating actively in these programmes, youths will also acquire a broader perspective of society, and mature in terms of thoughts, emotions, and social responsibility.

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18 April 2018

Meeting of TBCM Monastic Advisors

On Thursday 5 April, the Monastic Advisory Panel (MAP) of the Theravāda Buddhist Council of Malaysia (TBCM) met for the first time since its establishment.  The meeting held at Bandar Utama Buddhist Society was called by the MAP to discuss an upcoming Sangha gathering in July.

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16 April 2018

Ajahn Chandako to visit Nalanda

Nalanda Centre is honoured to host Venerable Ajahn Chandako from New Zealand on Tuesday, 17 April for a Dhamma talk, starting at 8.00pm.  This will be his second visit to Sri Serdang in as many years.

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15 April 2018

Consuming alcohol can lower life expectancy

A new study suggests that drinking one alcoholic drink on a daily basis could shorten your life expectancy.  The research found that drinking more than 100 grams of alcohol per week – equal to roughly five to six glasses of wine in the United Kingdom – increases your risk of death from all causes, and in turn lowers your life expectancy.

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14 April 2018

New Year Greetings from Nalanda

This weekend marks the New Year celebrations for our friends in many parts of Asia – across much of India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Bangladesh, and many Malaysians of Indian origin, too.  Nalanda wishes all venerable monks, our teachers and friends joyous New Year celebrations!  May this coming year bring peace and well-being to people around the world.  Sotthi.

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13 April 2018

Songkran Greetings สุขสันต์วันสงกรานต์

Nalanda wishes our Venerable Ajahns and Thai friends a joyous Songkran Festival.  May the coming year bring much peace, happiness, and well-being to all Thai people around the world.

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13 April 2018

Happy Thingyan

We wish the Myanmarese people residing in Malaysia and around the world a joyful celebration of Thingyan, the traditional Myanmar New Year.  May you and your loved ones be blessed with good health, peace, and happiness in the year ahead!

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