From 30 November to 3 December 2017, Nalanda Dhamma School organised an inspiring teenagers’ learning camp in Sri Serdang, themed ‘Connect Within’ for 75 teenagers ranging from 13 to 17 years old.
Read moreNalanda Sungai Petani Branch invites everyone to our “Open House” on Monday, 19 February – the 4th day of Chinese New Year – at NEO Centre in Bandar Mutiara. Join our programme from 9.30am to 12.30pm which includes New Year blessings, lunch for devotees, and most importantly, a special Dhamma talk by Nalanda founder Bro Tan.
Read moreNalanda Centre in Sri Serdang will be closed from 13 to 20 February in conjunction with Lunar New Year celebrations. The Centre will reopen as usual on Wednesday, 21 February at 10.00am. We wish everyone a happy and blessed New Year! May you have a joyful and meaningful time bonding with your family, relatives and friends. 新年快乐,万事如意!
Read moreThe 2018 Pyeongchang (平昌)Winter Olympics had just gotten underway in South Korea this evening. The spirit of modern Olympics has always been the celebration of fraternity and friendship across race, religion, and nationality. Let this be our common goal and principle throughout these games.
Read moreA deadly magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck the eastern Taiwanese city of Hualien close to midnight yesterday (6 February), causing buildings to collapse with people trapped within them. So far, two people were confirmed dead, more than 200 injured, and some others missing.
Read moreIt is with deep respect and a heavy heart that we announce the passing away of Venerable Professor Bellanwila Sri Wimalaratana Nayaka Thero on 3 February 2018, aged 77. Ven. Wimalaratana died of injuries sustained in a fall at Bellanwila Raja Mahavihara, where he was the deputy abbot.
Read moreThe Buddha was one of the most influential and important leaders in history. He created one of the most enduring and well-known spiritual movements in the world. Unlike many other leaders throughout the centuries, He led His movement peacefully and with deep compassion. As Buddhists, how can we learn those lessons and apply them to our organisations?
Read moreNalanda Centre is honoured to host Venerable T. Seelananda Mahathera on his upcoming visit to Malaysia from 27 to 31 January. Born in Sri Lanka, Ven. T. Seelananda is currently the deputy abbot of Bhāvanā Society in West Virginia, USA. He is also the co-founder of Samatha-Vipassana Meditation Centre in Edmonton, Canada.
Read moreNalanda is building the ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centre’ for holistic community education, especially for the expansion of Nalanda Dhamma School. Construction work is progressing well and it is expected to be completed this August.
Read moreA team of 8 Nalandians from Kedah travelled to Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang on 20 – 21 January to attend the 3rd annual Nalanda Education Workshop (N.E.W.). The one-day workshop provided much clarity on the philosophy and direction of Buddhist education, as well as strategies to promote ‘deep learning’.
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