
17 August 2017

72nd anniversary of Indonesian independence

Today, the Republic of Indonesia celebrates its 72nd Independence Day.  The diverse peoples of Indonesia and Malaysia share a two-thousand year history of trade, cultural exchanges, and political unions.  Both our countries were once part of the mighty Srivijaya Buddhist Empire from the 7th to 13th centuries CE.

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16 August 2017

Four days to ‘Family Fun Fair’

It’s just 4 more days to Nalanda’s “Family Fun Fair” which will be held on Sunday, 20 August (from 9am to 4pm) at Nalanda Centre.  This year, we aim to raise funds for a new facility – the ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centre’ – which will be built in Sri Serdang. The new building will be 4 times the current size of ‘Nalanda House’, and will enable 120 more students to attend Dhamma classes.

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15 August 2017

Celebrating the glory of India

Today marks the 70th anniversary of India’s independence.  Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia would like to wish all Indian citizens a joyous and meaningful celebration of Indian nationhood.

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14 August 2017

Meditation retreat with Ven. Gavesi

From 25 to 29 June, 30 participants gathered at Nalanda Centre for a non-residential Meditation Retreat for beginner and intermediate meditators, guided by Venerable Gavesi.

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13 August 2017

Face-to-face with Mahāyāna Buddhism

Than Hsiang Foundation Malaysia is organising a seminar this Saturday themed, ‘Face to Face & Heart to Heart’ featuring Venerable Wei Wu, the abbot of Than Hsiang Temple.  The dialogue will be moderated by Buddhist stalwart Bro. Benny Liow.  Former Director of Nalanda Institute Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama and Nalanda founder Bro. Tan will also be presenting their views.

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12 August 2017

Sign-up for Youth Dhamma Camp

If you are a Buddhist youth interested to discover illuminating Dhamma, but haven’t signed up for the Dhamma Living Camp, please do so today! Join 200 like-minded young adults to learn from inspiring speakers at the camp, which will be held from 1 to 4 September at Kinrara Resort, Puchong.

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11 August 2017

Fun Fair Pre-sales this weekend

It’s just another 9 days to Nalanda’s popular “Family Fun Fair” to be held on Sunday, 20 August, in Sri Serdang.  We aim to raise funds for a new facility – the ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centre’ – which will provide opportunities for more children and teenagers to attend Dhamma classes.

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10 August 2017

Dhamma School trip to Kelantan

During the recent school holidays in June, 80 Nalanda Dhamma School students from Sri Serdang and Johor Bahru were privileged to embark on a study tour to Kelantan.  The teenagers enjoyed many teachings by Bro. Tan while visiting Buddhist temples such as Wat Machimaram, Wat Photivihan, and Wat Mai Suwankhiri.

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9 August 2017

Singapore’s 52nd National Day

As the Republic of Singapore marks its 52nd National Day today, we wish our closest neighbour a joyous celebration of nationhood.  May Singaporeans continue to progress in all aspects of physical, social, economic, mental, and spiritual well-being.  Happy National Day!

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8 August 2017

Religion in ASEAN

8 August 2017 marks the 50th anniversary of ASEAN – the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.  Malaysia, along with Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines and Singapore were its founding members back in 1967.  Brunei joined ASEAN after its independence in 1984, followed by Vietnam (in 1995), Laos (1997), Myanmar (1997), and Cambodia (1999).

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