On the Full-moon Uposatha of 12 March, Nalandians and devotees dedicated the whole day to cultivating their minds at Nalanda Centre. The day was designated a ‘Dhamma-Sarana Day’; the programme included the observance of Eight-Precepts, Dhamma teachings by venerable monks, and meditation sessions.
Read moreNalanda Buddhist Society members celebrate the official installation of His Majesty Sultan Muhammad V as the 15th Yang DiPertuan Agong of Malaysia, today.
Read moreThe successful staging of Nalanda e-Run 2017 on Sunday, 16 April was the culmination of many factors – chief of which was the strong public support towards Nalanda for providing holistic community education. We are grateful to all sponsors, runners, and volunteers from near or far who motivated us with your enthusiastic participation.
Read moreSunday 12 March was ‘Dhamma-Sarana Day’ at Nalanda Centre, a day dedicated to learning, practising and contemplating the Dhamma. Ajahn Tiradhammo, a disciple of the late Ajahn Chah, was specially invited to give an evening Dhamma talk for the occasion.
Read moreNalanda e-Run 2017 Organising Committee will be hosting an appreciation ceremony for volunteers on Sunday 23 April, beginning 11.45am. We cordially invite e-Run volunteers to join us at Level 3 of Nalanda Centre this Sunday for the programme. Thank you all for the wonderful effort and contribution towards the success of this event. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Read moreOver the weekend on 11 and 12 March, Nalanda Centre was honoured to host 12 members of Buddhist Fellowship (BF) Singapore, and Bliss & Wisdom Society; the group was led by Bro. Jerry Ong of BF. Our friends were warmly welcomed by Nalanda officers upon arrival on Saturday, and were brought on a building tour by Nalanda founder Bro. Tan personally.
Read moreNalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia will be holding the 5th National Members’ Convention in Sri Serdang for 3 days from 29 April to 1 May 2017. This important meeting of members from all branches will discuss issues vital to the Society and membership. There will also be many teaching sessions by Nalanda achariyas.
Read moreNalanda’s e-Run 2017 concluded joyfully on Sunday 16 April, with more than 2,000 people having a fun day working out with family and friends, while supporting holistic education for the community.
Read moreOn Wednesday 8 March, Nalanda Centre was honoured to host Venerable Ajahn Buddharakkhita from Ireland. As the day also marked the third anniversary of MH370 incident, Nalandians took the opportunity to invite Ajahn for a Dhamma talk after the weekly meditation session.
Read moreNalanda Centre is honoured to host renowned social-reformer and inspiring teacher – Venerable Sanghasena Mahathera – on his upcoming journey to Malaysia. Ven. Sanghasena, who is the Founder and President of Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre in Ladakh, will arrive at Nalanda from India for a 2-day visit starting this Tuesday, 18 April.
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