On Sunday 16 October, Nalanda Youth Centre was blessed to have Bro. Tan join our weekly Sunday Service. Bro. Tan gave a Dhamma teaching on how we can bring about positive change in the world through the cultivation of compassion.
Read moreOn 23 October, Nalanda Kuala Lumpur Branch organised a family trip for its members to Taman Putra Perdana in Putrajaya. Sixty-four Nalandians and their family members, including students from the Dhamma School, took part in the outing.
Read moreWe invite you to participate in offering robes and requisites to Sangha members in conjunction with Nalanda’s ‘Sangha Day’ celebrations this weekend. The programme on Sunday 27 November includes a Dhamma talk by Achariya Vijaya, blessings, Robes offering, and lunch dāna to members of the Maha Sangha. For more information, please contact Bro. Ng at 012-273-9787. All are welcome.
Read moreParticipants of the Dhamma-in-Youth meditation retreat are reminded to arrive at Nalanda Centre for registration between 8.00am and 8.45am this Saturday. The retreat begins at 9.00am. This one-day meditation retreat is specially catered for youths aged 16 to 29 to learn how to ‘de-stress’ and attain inner peace despite having packed academic, work and social schedules. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday!
Read moreOn Sunday 16 October, the Wisdom Park Development Committee (WPDC) celebrated its first year of establishment and operations. The Committee is entrusted to conceptualise a “Master Development Plan” for Wisdom Park, reflecting its function as a national Buddhist education hub.
Read moreOn Sunday 20 November, devotees thronged Nalanda Centre in Sri Serdang to participate in the ‘Sangha Day’ celebrations. This annual observance day is to honour the significance and contributions of the monastic community towards the preservation and propagation of Buddha-Dhamma.
Read moreJakarta Post reported that around 15,000 followers of all Buddhist sects participated in a joint prayer ceremony in Medan, North Sumatra, on Saturday 19 November. Dozens of Buddhist monks, members of the House of Representatives and local officials also participated in the event, which aims to invoke blessings for peace in Indonesia.
Read moreWe are saddened to announce that the Chief monk of Kelantan Thai Sangha and Abbot of Wat Phikulthong Vararam in Kampung Terbok, Tumpat – the most Venerable Chao Khun Eak – passed away peacefully at 5.15am this morning. He was 85.
Read moreNalanda Bulletin Issue no. 36 (November 2016) is now available for collection from Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang or any of our branch centres. This latest issue highlights important events at Nalanda in September and October. We thank our Publication and Editorial team for producing this wonderful source of information and education. Sadhu anumodana!
Read moreAt least 142 people were killed early today when a Patna-Indore Express train derailed near India’s northern city of Kanpur. Over 150 passengers were injured, 58 of them seriously. Sadly, more than 70 passengers could still be trapped in mangled rail cars.
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