Nalanda Bulletin Issue no. 36 (November 2016) is now available for collection from Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang or any of our branch centres. This latest issue highlights important events at Nalanda in September and October. We thank our Publication and Editorial team for producing this wonderful source of information and education. Sadhu anumodana!
Read moreAt least 142 people were killed early today when a Patna-Indore Express train derailed near India’s northern city of Kanpur. Over 150 passengers were injured, 58 of them seriously. Sadly, more than 70 passengers could still be trapped in mangled rail cars.
Read moreAt the Service Sunday on 9 October, Sis. Tan Yee Yong was invited to deliver a talk on ‘Meditation’. She recounted history by stating that certain meditation practices already existed before the Buddha’s time. In fact, the Buddha-to-be Siddhattha Gotama learned from two prominent meditation teachers of His time – Alara Kalama and Uddaka Ramaputta.
Read moreDuring the upcoming holiday, Nalanda Johor Bahru Branch is organising a learning camp for teenagers between 13 and 17 years old. The camp will be held from 2 to 4 December 2016, at Pure Karma Buddhist Centre, Taman Desa Cemerlang, Johor Bahru. This educational camp will provide a healthy environment for teenagers to meet many ‘Beautiful Friends’ – friends with ‘beautiful’ behaviour, character, and mind.
Read moreOn Sunday 9 October, thirty undergraduates from Universiti Putra Malaysia attended a one-day meditation retreat at Nalanda Centre organized by the university’s Buddhist Society. The retreat held from 10am to 10pm was led by Venerable Bhikshuni Ji-Chi and Venerable Bhikshuni Chi-Xiang.
Read more‘Silver Lining’ is a programme initiated by Nalanda Youth Centre in 2015 to promote acts of kindness towards others among Malaysian youths. A ‘Silver Lining Day’ is organised once every three months where youths dedicate one Sunday to serving the community.
Read moreIt has been a month since the passing of the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand. Thai people are still mourning their great loss of a highly-respected and much-loved monarch. On Sunday 16 October, Bro. H. S. Tan led an official memorial tribute at Nalanda Centre to His Late Majesty. In attendance were the President of Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia Bro. Tan Leng Huat and representatives from several Buddhist societies.
Read moreScientists at NASA say that people across the world tonight will get to witness the ‘brightest’ full-moon since 1948. This ‘supermoon’ happens at its ‘perigee’ phase, where the orbiting moon is closest to Earth, and a good 14% closer than its ‘apogee’ phase where it orbits farthest away from us.
Read moreNew Zealand’s South Island was struck by a powerful earthquake today. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the quake measured 7.8 on the Richter Scale, and had its epicentre at 95km north of Christchurch. Two hours after the quake, the first tsunami wave hit the shores of South Island. More tsunami waves of different magnitudes, as well as aftershocks from the earthquake, are expected in the next few hours.
Read moreA year ago tomorrow – on 13 November 2015 – a group of “Islamic State” (“IS”) terrorists launched a series of coordinated attacks across Paris and Saint-Denis, killing 130 people and injuring hundreds more. The loss of innocent lives is still a very painful memory for France, and especially so for the victims’ families. We stand in solidarity with French citizens in commemorating this tragic event – another dark day in the annals of humanity. May the deceased rest in Peace; and may all beings be free from suffering.
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