On 8 November, India announced that all existing ₹500 and ₹1000 notes will be demonetized. If you’re still holding on to those denominations, try exchanging them with the money-changer soonest possible. After 30 December, the two notes will effectively be worthless scraps of paper.
Read moreNalanda Youth Centre is organising a free one-day meditation retreat specially catered for young adults aged 16 to 29. The camp will be conducted by Nalanda founder Bro. Tan, an inspiring and respected Dhamma teacher. 125 youths have so far registered for the retreat; there are only 25 places left. If you’re interested to participate, register on-line at PARTICIPATE NOW.
Read moreWorldly news can be shocking at times. It is important to anchor our minds and fortify our hearts from awful twists and turns in life. Come to Nalanda Centre for an evening of meditation, wise reflection, and Dhamma talk by Bro. Tan, from 8pm to 10pm tonight. It’s promised to soothe your anxieties.
Read moreWhile the world is gripped in suspense on the outcome of the fiercely-fought U.S. Presidential Elections, it is opportune for us to reflect on the timeless truth of the Buddha’s teaching:
Read moreOn Sunday 4 September, Nalanda youths invited Sis. Paruadi to talk about finding the purpose of life. Sis. Paruadi said that the purpose of life can be discovered after deep reflection on one’s own potentials, inclinations, and personality. Knowing one’s purpose of life brings fulfilment and ignites the passion within.
Read moreNalanda Youth Centre is organising a one-day meditation retreat on Saturday, 26 November, from 9am to 6pm. It will be guided by Nalanda founder Bro. Tan. This beginner-friendly retreat is specially catered for young adults between the ages of 16 and 29.
Read moreDuring a recent Sunday Service dedicated to the memory of the late Venerable Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda to mark the 10th anniversary of his passing, Nalanda achariyas recollected heart-warming tales of their association with this remarkable ‘Dhammaduta’ (missionary monk).
Read more15 October was another joyful weekend for devotees in Seri Kembangan as the third Saturday of every month is Nalanda’s educational Pindacāra programme held at the market. This time, we were truly honoured to have the Abbot of Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple in Kuala Lumpur, Venerable Sri Saranankara Nāyaka Thero, to conduct the alms-round.
Read moreOn Sunday 25 September, Buddhist stalwart and Dhamma speaker from Johor Bahru Dr. Punna Wong Yin Onn visited Nalanda Centre to present his newly-launched book, “Walking in the Buddha’s Footprints: 100 Reflective Essays”.
Read moreFrom 16 to 18 September, Nalanda Dhamma School Johor Bahru Branch organised an energising Facilitators’ Training for twenty facilitators. The 3-day training camp was conducted by School Director Sis. Sunanda Ong, to develop greater leadership and facilitation skills among the officers.
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