
21 October 2016

Journey to inner peace for youths

Nalanda Youth Centre is organising a one-day meditation retreat on Saturday, 26 November, from 9am to 6pm.  It will be guided by Nalanda founder Bro. Tan, an inspiring teacher who gives clear instructions with insightful sharings.  This beginner-friendly retreat is specially catered for young adults between the ages of 16 and 29.

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20 October 2016

Nalanda pays tribute to King Bhumibol

It has been a week since the passing of the beloved King Bhumibol Adulyadej, and the people of Thailand are slowly coming to terms with this great loss and collective grief. The void in their hearts created by the king’s demise cannot be quickly or easily filled. Time alone can heal.

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19 October 2016

Nalanda hosts Ayya Santinī today

Nalanda Centre is honoured to host Venerable Bhikkhunī Santinī Therī today for a short visit.  Ayya Santinī is a well-regarded meditation teacher and renowned Dhamma speaker from Indonesia.  She is the Abbess of Wisma Kusalayani, a bhikkhuni-training centre near Lembang in West Java.

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18 October 2016

‘Sangha Day’ to be celebrated in November

Nalanda Buddhist Society will be celebrating our annual ‘Sangha Day’ next month at two venues – Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang and NEO Centre Happy Garden in Kuala Lumpur.  ‘Sangha Day’ is dedicated to honour, appreciate and support the monastic order of bhikkhus (monks) and bhikkhunis (nuns)the pillars of Buddha-Sāsana.  On this day, devotees offer them robes as well as requisites such as medicinal products and food supplements.

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17 October 2016

Visit by Temerloh Buddhists

On Monday 22 August, Nalanda Centre welcomed a visit by Venerable Bhikshuni Tian Yuan (天愿法师) and three devotees from Chze Earn Temple (慈恩寺) in Temerloh, Pahang.  The venerable and devotees made that special trip to learn more about Nalanda’s education philosophy and approach.

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16 October 2016

Monthly meeting on Wisdom Park

The Wisdom Park Development Committee (WPDC) members held their 13th monthly meeting in August 2016 to continue discussions on the Master Development Plan for the entire facility.  The Committee comprises 16 members including four Nalandians, eight representatives of the Buddhist community, and four technical experts. With every meeting, the development plan becomes more complete and closer to fruition.  Sadhu anumodana.

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15 October 2016

Was the Buddha a ‘perfectionist’?

The Buddha was distinguished as ‘the Perfect One’ – He had perfect knowledge of the world and faultless conduct. “By definition, a ‘perfectionist’ is someone who likes to accomplish something perfectly, and finds it difficult to accept anything less than flawless.  No, the Buddha was not a ‘perfectionist’.  He did not have any illusions about perfection.  He truly understood the world and was very clear about imperfections in life.

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14 October 2016

Tribute to King Bhumibol of Thailand

Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia offers our deepest condolence to the royal family and people of Thailand over the demise of His Majesty Rama IX, the beloved King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

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13 October 2016

Sunday talk by Dr. Phang

Nalanda Centre is delighted to host the launching of Dr. Phang Cheng Kar’s latest book, “NOW: Who wants to learn MINDFUL-Gym?   12 Mindful Tools for Stress Reduction & Wellness”, followed by his talk.  Everyone is invited to attend this joyful occasion on Sunday.

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12 October 2016

Flowing gratitude in Seri Kembangan

Report by Chan Jia Xin

On Saturday 17 September, two venerable monks were invited to go on alms-round at Jalan Besar market in Seri Kembangan.  The monthly alms-round is a keenly awaited event by market-goers and stall operators alike, as it enables otherwise busy people to offer food to Sangha members.

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