
12 September 2016

Fabulous fun fair in Johor Bahru

Excellent weather greeted the crowd at ‘Family Fun Fair’ 2016 organised by Nalanda Johor Bahru Branch.  It was only the second year the ‘Fun Fair’ was held in J.B., yet the event was a resounding success due to the great support from the local community.

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11 September 2016

‘Family Fun Fair’ in J.B. opens

Nalanda ‘Family Fun Fair’ in Johor Bahru had just opened at 8.00 am this morning with an enthusiastic crowd streaming in.  An hour after opening, more than 1,000 people have visited the Fair, which features 75 stalls selling a variety of food, beverages, household items, fresh vegetables, flowers and fruits.

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11 September 2016

15 years after September 11th

Today marks 15 years since the worst terrorist attacks on the United States of America; the incident is commonly referred to as the September 11th attacks.  Almost 3,000 people lost their lives when four airplanes were hijacked and used as weapons to kill innocent lives and cause great damage to properties.

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10 September 2016

‘Family Fun Fair’ reported in the press

Malaysia’s leading English daily The Star today reported on the Nalanda ‘Family Fun Fair’ held on 31 July 2016.  The event aimed to raise funds for the proposed “K. Sri Dhammananda Centre” in Sri Serdang – which is a new facility dedicated to Buddhist education.

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10 September 2016

We’re ready for ‘Family Fun Fair’

Over the last few weeks, Nalanda members and devotees joyfully gathered at NEO Centre Johor Bahru to prepare for the 2016 ‘Family Fun Fair’, which will be held on 11 September.  The organising team had its final meeting last Sunday to ensure the smooth running of the event, which is expected to draw a few thousand people.

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9 September 2016

Nalandians heading to Johor Bahru

Nalandians from Serdang, Kuala Lumpur and Sungai Petani Branches are looking forward to joining the ‘Family Fun Fair’ at NEO Centre Johor Bahru this Sunday.  A convoy of one bus, several MPVs and cars will depart from Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang after morning chanting tomorrow (i.e. Saturday).  At 8.00pm, Nalanda founder Bro. Tan will join Nalandians in Johor Bahru for the evening service and deliver a talk.

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8 September 2016

All the best to Paralympians

The XV Paralympic Games had just gotten underway in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  From 7th to 18th September, the world will get to witness the spirit and tenacity of athletes with disabilities.  We are sure to find out many heart-rending stories of their sacrifices and struggles against challenges.

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7 September 2016

Passing of Ven. Nauyane Ariyadhamma

This morning, we are saddened to note the passing away of Most Venerable Nauyane Ariyadhamma Nāyaka Thero, well-known meditation teacher and Spiritual Director of the Sri Kalyāni Yogashārama in Sri Lanka.

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7 September 2016

‘Family Fun Fair’ in Johor Bahru

We joyfully invite you to participate in our only fund-raising event in Johor Bahru this year – the much-loved ‘Family Fun Fair’ which will be held this coming Sunday, 11 September.  The ‘Fun Fair’ will feature over 75 stalls offering a wide range of home-cooked food, fresh produce, and household items.

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6 September 2016

Asalha Full-moon – ‘Dhamma Day’

Monday 18 July was the Asalha Full-Moon Uposatha Day, whereupon this day 2600 years ago, the Buddha delivered the First Sermon on the ‘Four Noble Truths’ and the ‘Noble Eightfold Path’ to the world.  The occasion is also known as ‘Dhamma Day’, and is one of the seven* observance days at Nalanda.

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