
28 July 2016

Sponsoring food for welfare homes

On 2 July and 16 July, Nalanda officers paid separate visits to Tong Sim Senior Citizens’ Care Centre and Ci Hang Chempaka Welfare Association respectively.  They were at the two welfare homes to deliver food items such as rice, cooking oil, dried food, and vegetables which were kindly sponsored by devotees.  Nalanda President Sis. Evelyn who led the visits also offered the homes Nalanda ‘Family Fun Fair’ coupons for them to purchase other necessities at the Fair.

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27 July 2016

One-day meditation retreat

Nalanda is organising a one-day meditation retreat guided by Ven. Ayya Susīla from Penang. We invite you to come and enhance your meditation experience with practical sessions and relevant Dhamma teachings. Kindly register at this link Register here before Monday, 8 August 2016.

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27 July 2016

Children invited to ‘Family Fun Fair’

We are happy to share that children from Siddharthan Care Centre are again coming to take part in this year’s Nalanda’s ‘Family Fun Fair’.  As part of its CSR Programme, the Kemaman Bitumen Co. Sdn Bhd has kindly offered the home coupons to purchase food, clothes and stationeries at the Fair.  Representatives of the company together with Nalandian officers went to Siddharthan Care Centre to present the coupons on 18 June.

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26 July 2016

A year since ‘milestone decision’

It has been a year since the ‘milestone decision’ was made by Nalanda members to purchase a 26-acre parcel of land in Hulu Selangor to be developed into a Buddhist education hub.  Nalandians gathered for the General Meeting on 26 July 2015 voted unanimously to acquire the free-hold land for the well-being of many generations to come.

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25 July 2016

We’re almost there, folks

It’s just a few days left to the much-anticipated annual “Family Fun Fair” on Sunday, 31 July. Nalanda Centre has been a hive of activity the whole month as members and volunteers came in batches to help out whenever they can. To date, overall preparations are 86% completed. Certain sections have accomplished even more – with the road-show team having achieved 95%, publicity team 93%, and stall allocation team 99%.

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24 July 2016

Nalandians ready for ‘Family Fun Fair’

After weeks of preparations, Nalandians are now ready to host the annual “Family Fun Fair” next Sunday – on 31 July.  Well, ‘almost’ ready!  There are certainly finer details to be looked into, but by and large, the Fun Fair organizing team and volunteers have done a remarkable job in completing 80% of preparatory work.  Sadhu anumodana!

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23 July 2016

Ven. Dhammavuddho’s talk at Nalanda

On Sunday 19 June, Nalanda was honoured by the presence of Venerable Dhammavuddho Māhathera, founder and abbot of Vihāra Buddha Gotama in Temoh, Perak, to give a talk on the ‘Qualities of a Wise man’. His talk coincided with the third week of Nalanda’s Gimhāna Retreat, and thus it was an inspiring sight to see the Dhamma Hall packed with devotees who came to listen to the venerable in person.

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22 July 2016

Wisdom Park briefing for Ven. Dhammavuddho

On Sunday 19 June, Venerable Dhammavuddho Māhathera, founder and abbot of Vihāra Buddha Gotama in Perak, was briefed by Bro. Tan on the objectives and concept of Wisdom Park.  Ven. Dhammavuddho was at Nalanda Centre to give a Dhamma talk that day.

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21 July 2016

Nalanda to build ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centre’

Nalanda Buddhist Society will rebuild ‘Nalanda House’ in Sri Serdang and rename it the ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centre’ to honour the centenary of our late Spiritual Adviser, the Most Venerable Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda Nāyaka Thero (1918 - 2006). The proposed Centre will cater for the use of Nalanda Dhamma School, which has seen remarkable growth over the years. The new 2½-storey facility will be able to accommodate 100 more students comfortably.

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20 July 2016

Passing of Ven. Polpitiya Kassapa

We are saddened to announce the passing away of Venerable Polpitiya Kassapa Nāyaka Thero, meditation teacher and founder of Rockhill Hermitage, Sri Lanka, on Monday, 18 July 2016.  He was a disciple of the Most Venerable Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Māha Nāyaka Thera, one of the most renowned Theravada monks of the 20th century.

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