
13 June 2016

Developing Mindfulness and Virtue

On 1 June, we were blessed to have Venerable U Vijaya from Indonesia to lead the weekly meditation at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  Ven. Vijaya explained that if we had faith in the Buddha, then we must be ready to walk the path He taught, and practise the Dhamma well.  We must strengthen our Viriya (Right Effort) and keep our Sīla (virtue) strong.

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12 June 2016

Living a ‘Life of Wisdom’

On Buddha Day 21 May, Nalanda founder Bro. H. S. Tan conducted a 2-hour Sutta Study session based on the theme of the Wesak celebrations – ‘A Life of Wisdom‘.  Despite it being a very long day with many other on-going Wesak activities, the mid-afternoon session attracted a large attendance of more than 160 people, with some devotees even traveling from other states to Nalanda Centre.

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11 June 2016

Teenagers’ camp reported by Press

From 2 to 5 June, Nalanda Dhamma School co-organised a dynamic Dhamma camp in Kelantan for teenagers aged 13 to 17.  The 4-day camp was attended by 122 students from all over the East-Coast state.  School Director Sis. Sunanda led her team of 8 facilitators and youths to assist in running the holiday camp.

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10 June 2016

Incomparable Teacher and Teachings  

Sunday 5 June marked the beginning of the annual 7-week Gimhāna (Summer) Retreat, organised by Nalanda for the fifth consecutive year.  This year’s retreat spans from 5 June to 20 July.  Director of Nalanda Institute, Achariya Tan Siang Chye, heralded an uplifting start to the retreat by giving a talk on the Buddha as a ‘unique Teacher’, and also his ‘incomparable Teachings’.

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9 June 2016

Felicitations to the people of Thailand

On this auspicious 70th anniversary of the reign of His Majesty Bhumibol Adulyadej, we would like to wish His Majesty the King and members of the Thai royalty long lives, good health, peace and happiness.  We felicitate the friendly people of Thailand on this important occasion of joy and celebration, with boundless thoughts of Mettā and Muditā, from all of us at Nalanda Malaysia.

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8 June 2016

Students connecting with Nature

On Tuesday 31 May, Nalanda Free School organised a hiking trip for Secondary School students.  The trip was led by the Free School Principal Sister Lee, with the assistance of 5 volunteer teachers.  The aim of the outing was to provide students and teachers with opportunity to bond outside the classroom, with team-building activities to help them understand the importance of cooperation and teamwork.

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7 June 2016

Big ‘thank you’ to Wesak volunteers  

On Sunday 29 May, Nalandians gathered to observe Nalanda’s monthly Samaggi Day.  It was also the ideal opportunity for the Society’s Management to acknowledge and thank the volunteers who had worked tirelessly before, during and after the recent Buddha Day celebrations.

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6 June 2016

Selamat Berpuasa

Today marks the beginning of Ramadhan, when Muslims shall fast for a month from dawn to dusk, fulfilling their religious obligation.  It is a period of spiritual reflection, wholesome behavior, and acts of gentle kindness.  We rejoice in seeing that spirit.  Nalandians wish our Muslim friends in Malaysia and abroad a peaceful fasting month.  Salam mettā.

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6 June 2016

What is the highest delight?

“‘Delight’ means experiencing joy, pleasure, and happiness.  The Buddha described that of all delights, the delight in Dhamma is most excellent (Pāli – “Sabbaratim dhammarati jinati”; Dhammapada verse 354).  Why is that so?

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5 June 2016

Official birthday of His Majesty

Every year, Malaysians joyfully celebrate the official birthday of His Majesty the Yang DiPertuan Agong on the first Saturday of June.  Our present King, His Majesty Sultan Abdul Halim of Kedah, is a doyen of Malaysian royalty, being the longest reigning Head of State in the country today.  Let us wish His Majesty the blessings of good health, happiness and peace, always.  Dirgahayu Tuanku!

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