
9 May 2016

Meeting of hearts and minds

On 30 April and 1 May, sixty Nalanda leaders from Sri Serdang and the branches in Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru and Sungai Petani made full use of the long Labour Day weekend to attend the inaugural leadership conference at Nalanda Centre.  The meeting was aimed at unifying hearts and sharing ideas on the Society’s way forward.

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8 May 2016

Nalanda celebrates ‘Mother’s Day’

Today, Nalandians and devotees celebrated Mother’s Day in a special way to show our gratitude to all wonderful mothers who have sacrificed for their children out of compassion.  There is no comparison to the dedication borne of maternal love.  As children, we shall always remember our mothers’ unconditional love, and be filial to them.

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7 May 2016

Vesakha New-moon today

Today marks the start of the holy month of Vesakha.  This evening, Nalanda Centre will be hosting the Vesakha New-moon Uposatha Service beginning at 8.00pm.  We shall observe this spiritual occasion with offerings, chanting, meditation, and Dhamma sharing.  The best way to honour of our Great Teacher – the Buddha, is to enhance our efforts to learn and practise the Dhamma.  We welcome everyone to participate actively in Nalanda’s upcoming learning programmes.

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6 May 2016

Beginning of Vesakha month

Tomorrow is the New-moon day for the month of ‘Vesakha’.  Thus, we are just two weeks away from the most important day in the Buddhist calendar – Vesakha Full-moon ‘Buddha Day’, also commonly known in Malaysia as ‘Wesak Day’.

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5 May 2016

Wesak preparations in full swing

Over the past few weeks, Nalanda members and devotees have been busy preparing for the most important event of the Buddhist calendar – the ‘Vesakha’ Full-moon day, commonly known in Malaysia as ‘Wesak Day’.  Buddhists celebrate the Enlightenment of the Buddha on that occasion, which customarily falls on the first full-moon day in the month of May.

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4 May 2016

Welcoming new batch of officers

On Saturday 30 April, a new batch of elected office-bearers took their ‘pledge of service’ in a simple ceremony at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  In total, 33 Management Committee members from Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru, and Sungai Petani branches (11 from each branch) were elected in early March this year; 26 of them attended the installation ceremony witnessed by the Society’s leaders, Board of Management members, and senior officers.

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3 May 2016

Inaugural conference for Nalandian leaders

In conjunction with Nalanda Buddhist Society’s 13th anniversary celebrations, Nalandian leaders from all branches and departments were invited to a special leadership conference on 30 April and 1 May.  The leaders comprising elected office-bearers and appointed officers met at Nalanda Centre for two days to chart the Society’s way forward.

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2 May 2016

Leadership briefed on Wisdom Park

Nalanda’s leadership was recently briefed on the progress of Wisdom Park by founder Bro Tan, who is also the Chairman of Wisdom Park Development Committee.  He explained in detail the proposed development in Phase 1 of the project, which is expected to take off soon.

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30 April 2016

Celebrating ‘Nalanda Day’ gratefully

On 1 May 2016, Nalanda Buddhist Society will celebrate our 13th anniversary with much rejoicing and gratitude for the support given to us by the community.  Over the past 13 years, we have been continuously providing quality educational programmes to help more people practise and understand the Buddha-Dhamma.

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29 April 2016

Memorial Service for earthquake victims

On Monday 25 April, Nalanda Centre held a special memorial service to mark the first anniversary of the devastating earthquake that caused widespread damage and the death of more than 8,000 people in Nepal alone.

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