
30 April 2016

Celebrating ‘Nalanda Day’ gratefully

On 1 May 2016, Nalanda Buddhist Society will celebrate our 13th anniversary with much rejoicing and gratitude for the support given to us by the community.  Over the past 13 years, we have been continuously providing quality educational programmes to help more people practise and understand the Buddha-Dhamma.

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29 April 2016

Memorial Service for earthquake victims

On Monday 25 April, Nalanda Centre held a special memorial service to mark the first anniversary of the devastating earthquake that caused widespread damage and the death of more than 8,000 people in Nepal alone.

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28 April 2016

Observing precepts and morality  

On Sunday 24 April, Sis. Santi Cheang gave a talk on ‘Observing the 5 Precepts’ to participants of BPS 033 ‘Buddhist Practice & Devotion’ course.  She explained that Precepts form the basis of morality for Buddhists.  It strengthens our commitment to spiritual practice, and ensures a life of integrity and peace.  Precepts are observed voluntarily by devotees; they are not commandments from the Buddha.

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27 April 2016

Reasons for visiting a Buddhist centre

On Thursday 21 April, Sis. Ruby Tan gave a sharing on the purpose and benefits of visiting a Buddhist centre in conjunction with the Full-moon Uposatha Service at Nalanda Centre.  She explained that although people go to temples for various purposes, a knowledgeable devotee may visit a centre or temple for the following reasons:

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26 April 2016

Taking refuge in the Three Jewels

On Sunday 17 April, Sister Buddhini Tan gave a talk on ‘Going for Refuge’ to participants of BPS 033 ‘Buddhist Practice & Devotion’ course.  Sis. Buddhini explained that the practice of ‘Going for Refuge’ existed even before the Buddha’s time.  It was customary for a follower to proclaim his or her faith in the teacher or a higher power.

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25 April 2016

First anniversary of 2015 Nepal earthquake

Today marks the first anniversary of the destructive earthquake which devastated many parts of Nepal on 25 April 2015.  More than 8,000 people were killed throughout the country, plus a hundred others in neighbouring India, Tibet and Bangladesh.  Let us spare some time to think about the victims of the earthquake and their loved ones.  Reflect also on the impermanence and uncertainty of life.  Let us live wisely and mindfully every day.

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25 April 2016

Nepali Bhikkhus visit Nalanda

On Sunday 17 April, two senior Theravada bhikkhus from Nepal visited Nalanda Centre for a familiarisation tour.  Venerables Kolita Thera and Saddhatissa Thera were warmly received by Society President Sis. Evelyn Chow together with other senior officers.

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24 April 2016

Emulate the Buddha’s qualities

On Sunday 17 April, the Superintendent of Dharma Drum Malaysia, Venerable Bhikshuni Chang Zao (常藻法师), was invited to Nalanda to give a Mandarin Dhamma talk on ‘Correct Practices & Devotion’ for Buddhists (“正信的佛教是什么?”).  She highlighted the essential teachings of Buddhism, and how it spread throughout the world.

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23 April 2016

Service in honour of Sayādaw U Panditā

On Sunday 17 April, Nalanda founder Bro. Tan led a special service in memory of Sayādaw U Panditābhivamsa, who passed away a day earlier.  The service began at 9.00am with meditation, followed by offerings and Pāli chanting.  The 300-strong congregation then listened to an insightful talk by Bro. Tan, who started by asking rhetorically, “Do kings have suffering?”

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22 April 2016

Learning to be effective facilitators

On Saturday 16 April, Nalanda Institute’s Department of Leadership & Management Studies conducted a training session specially tailored for facilitators of Nalanda Dhamma School.  Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama, the Chairman of Nalanda Education Team, was invited to conduct the training on ‘Classroom Management’ and ‘Teaching Skills’.

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