
25 October 2015

Cause and cessation of ‘Dukkha’

Lecture 6 of the BPS 101- Mandarin Buddhist Studies course at Nalanda Centre was conducted by Bro. Aggaphala Yap on Sunday 11 October.  The topic was on the Four Noble Truths (Cattāri Ariyasaccāni).   Two months after the Buddha’s enlightenment, the Blessed One delivered his first discourse – the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta – to His first five disciples at a deer park in Isipatana, near the city of Benares.

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23 October 2015

History of Buddhist Texts and Scriptures

On Saturday 17 October, the Director of Nalanda Institute Achariya Tan Siang Chye gave the last lecture of the BPS 303 – Certificate in Buddhist Studies course at Nalanda Centre.  The topic was on the “Historical Development of Buddhist Texts and Scriptures”.  Before passing away, the Buddha declared to his His disciples that, “the Dhamma and Vinaya (doctrine and discipline) I have set forth and laid down for you shall be your teacher after I am gone…”  Thus, the Buddha did not appoint a successor but enshrined the Dhamma-vinaya as the guiding principle in one’s practice and quest for liberation.

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22 October 2015

Meeting of national Buddhist federations

On 8 September, two major Buddhist federations in Malaysia – the Malaysian Buddhist Association (MBA) and the Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia (TBCM) – had a meeting in Subang Jaya to discuss recent issues and challenges affecting the Buddhist community in the country.

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21 October 2015

MP and State Assemblyman visit Nalanda

On Sunday 11 October, Nalanda Centre had the honour of welcoming our Member of Parliament for Puchong, Yang Berhormat Mr. Gobind Singh Deo, and Selangor State Assemblyman for Kinrara, Yang Berhormat Mr. Ng Sze Han, for an official visit.  The Yang Berhormats’ entourage was given a warm welcome by Nalanda members while touring the Centre.

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20 October 2015

Good progress at Sungai Petani Centre

On Tuesday 6 October, Bro. Tan made a quick visit to the Nalanda Education & Outreach Centre building site in Sungai Petani.  He was met there by Branch Chairman Bro. Khaw and Committee members Sis. Sumedha, Bro. Fong and Dr. Song.  Bro. Tan spent several hours inspecting the construction progress as well as chatted with the contractors.  He expressed joy in seeing everyone’s dedication to complete the Centre on time, and with quality work.

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19 October 2015

Night of Musical Celebration

It was a night of great nostalgia for lovers of Buddhist songs as renowned Malaysian performers such as the Wayfarers and i-Gemz serenaded a crowd of 200 at ‘A Night of Buddhist Music’ on Saturday, 17 October.  The musical soiree was hosted by the Buddhist Gem Fellowship (BGF).  In his welcome speech, BGF President Datuk Seri Dr. Victor Wee said that music has the ability to bring joy to listeners; and if the lyrics were meaningful and inspiring, the message goes straight to the core and stays in their hearts.

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18 October 2015

Buddhist Leaders briefed on ‘Wisdom Park’

A briefing session on ‘Wisdom Park’ for Buddhist community leaders was held on Sunday, 11 October.  The briefing session was the second in a series arranged to provide information on the project, as well as to gather feedback from the community.  Ven. Sri Saranankara Thero, Ven. Dr. Dhammadinna, Ven. Bhikshuni Sing Kan, Ven. Sumangalā, Ven. Medhā, Ven. Anulā, and leaders of several Buddhist organisations attended the meeting at Nalanda Centre.

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17 October 2015

Nalandians attend youth seminar

On 3 October, three Nalandian youths – Bro. Disheng, Bro. Ajit, and Bro. Lee Kern – attended a community-building seminar organised by the Bahái Community of Malaysia.  The focus of the roundtable discussion was youth leadership and community service.  Participants from various religious organisations gave constructive views on how best to build a better community for future generations.

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16 October 2015

The Way to Happiness

On 4 October, Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama gave a Dhamma talk on “Mindfulness: The Way to Happiness” during Service Sunday.  He said many people have misconceptions about what constitutes happiness.  For example, people often mistake pleasure for happiness.  When we seek pleasure, which is tenuous and fleeting, inevitably we will become dissatisfied and unhappy.

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15 October 2015

Kindness and patience lead to spiritual goals

On Sunday 11 October, Dhamma teacher Sis. Tan Yee Yong gave a talk based on 10 Buddhist stories taken from the Jataka Tales, Samyutta Nikaya, and Majjhima Nikaya.  One of the stories, taken from Samyutta Nikaya 11.6(6) The Bird Nests, tells of how kindness saved Sakka, lord of the devas and his army who were escaping from their enemy, the asuras.

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