
14 October 2015

Buddhist Fellowship Singapore Exco visits Nalanda 

On Sunday 4 October, 28 Buddhist Fellowship (BF) Singapore members, including the newly appointed Executive Committee led by its President Bro. Wilson Ang, visited Nalanda Centre in Sri Serdang.   They were warmly welcomed by Nalanda officers.

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13 October 2015

‘Kusala Kamma’ and ‘Akusala Kamma’ reviewed

On Saturday 3 October, students of BPS 303 – Certificate in Buddhist Studies turned up for their second tutorial session with Bro. Ananda Fong.  The focus of the tutorial was to recapitulate on earlier lectures about the Ten Wholesome and Ten Unwholesome deeds.

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12 October 2015

Nusantara Youth Camp at Nalanda

From 24 to 26 September, the Nusantara Buddhist Youth (also known as ‘Tarabuddy’) held its 3-day annual camp at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang. The participants consisted of Indonesian undergraduates aged between 18 and 21 years old, studying in Malaysia. The theme of the camp was “It all starts from Me”.

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11 October 2015

Appreciation dinner for benefactors and volunteers

On Saturday 26 September, volunteers and stall operators of the recent ‘Nalanda Family Fun Fair’ in Johor Bahru were invited to an appreciation dinner for their contribution towards the success of the event, as well as to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.

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10 October 2015

Nalandians meet on festive day

On Sunday 27 September, Nalandians in the Klang Valley gathered at Nalanda Centre in Sri Serdang for their monthly Members’ Day.  As it was also the Mid-Autumn Festival, Nalanda Buddhist Society President Sis. Evelyn Chow likened the gathering to a family reunion, remarking that unity and harmony are values highly regarded in Buddhism.

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9 October 2015

Unwholesome deeds – stumbling blocks to happiness

On Sunday 27 September 2015, Bro. Aggaphala Yap conducted Lecture 4 of the BPS 101 Mandarin Buddhist Studies course at Nalanda Centre.  The topic of the lecture was “Ten Unwholesome Deeds” (Dasa Akusala Kamma).

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8 October 2015

Gratitude to our Teachers

On Sunday 27 September, a memorial service was held in honour of two illustrious teachers – Venerable Kakkapalliye Anuruddha, a foremost and distinguished scholar in the Pāli language; and Acharya Satya Narayan Goenka, a prodigious teacher who taught millions of practitioners the technique and bliss of Vipassāna Meditation. Both great men passed away on the same day, 29 September 2013; their likes will rarely be seen again.

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7 October 2015

Gathering of spiritual friends

On 26 September, Nalanda Sungai Petani members congregated to celebrate Members’ Day.  During the Dhamma sharing session, Sis. Siew Chin spoke on the virtues of the Buddha.  She said when we recite Buddhanusati, the recollection of the Buddha, we are reminding ourselves of the sublime qualities of the Buddha, which help us to strengthen our faith and respect towards the Teacher.

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5 October 2015

Meeting of Buddhist Leaders on ‘Wisdom Park’

On Sunday 20 September, Buddhist community leaders and Dhamma speakers gathered at Nalanda Centre to attend a briefing on the ‘Wisdom Park’ Project.  Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan gave a detailed introduction to the objectives of Wisdom Park and a thorough briefing on its proposed development.

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4 October 2015

Gratitude to our grandparents

Today, Malaysia officially celebrates Grandparents’ Day for the first time ever to acknowledge the contributions of grandparents to the growth, stability and harmony of the family unit.  Senior citizens are often the storehouses of life’s experience that the younger generations can tap into.  On this special day, we thank all grandparents for your sacrifices and love.  May we all grow old gracefully, wisely and joyfully!

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