On Sunday 23 August, volunteers and stall operators of the recent ‘Nalanda Family Fun Fair’ 2015 were invited to an appreciation lunch for their contribution towards the success of the event. The Organising Chairperson, Sis. Evelyn expressed her deep appreciation for their continuous support.
Read moreOn Saturday 22 August, Director of Nalanda Institute, Achariya Tan Siang Chye continued the course Lectures 7 & 8 with the topic ‘Ten Unwholesome Deeds’.
Read moreOn Saturday 22 August, Nalanda Youth Centre hosted 20 youths for the “D’ Challenge” fun competition. This programme was aimed at imparting essential values to youths who are facing many challenges today. The programme began with Pūja (offerings to the ‘Three Jewels’) and welcoming speech by Nalanda Youth Leader, Bro. DiSheng.
Read moreOn Saturday 22 August, Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch members gathered at Gurun Buddhist Association for their monthly Members’ Day. During the meeting, Branch Chairman Bro. Seng Giap reminded members to reflect on the Dhamma teachings taught by Bro. Tan on 17 July and to practice in our daily lives. After an interactive discussion, members agreed on a list of qualities, including faith, generosity and virtues for cultivation towards a good practitioner and good friend.
Read moreOn Saturday 22 August, a group of youths of the Baha’i faith visited Nalanda Centre. They were warmly welcomed by Nalanda Dhamma School facilitators and youths.
Read moreOn Tuesday 18 August, Venerable Prof. Dr. W. Wimalaratana from the University of Colombo and his entourage – Venerables Alubomulle Dhammalankara Thero, Marthuwela Vijithasiri, Kolonnawe Siri Sudassi Thero, Dhammasiri and Lecturer Dr. D.A.C. Suranga Silva, came to Nalanda Centre on a familiarization visit. The visiting Sangha members were warmly received by Nalandians including host Sis. Nandini Tan, who brought them on a tour of Nalanda Centre and Youth Centre.
Read more25 August marks the 6th anniversary of Sis. G G Tan, Julie Ang, Jennie Cheong and Lee Ah Yem’s passing. The four of them perished in an accident on 25 August 2009 while on a pilgrimage to Ladakh, India.
On Sunday 16 August, devotees were delighted with Dr. Phang’s lively Dhamma talk on “7 Habits for Cultivating Beginner’s Mind”. He described the characteristics of a beginner’s mind which is free from fixated perception, and is full of curiosity like a child’s mind.
Read moreOn Saturday 15 August, 180 students from three secondary schools in Seri Kembangan and Kajang attended an informative and inspiring SPM Chemistry Examination Preparation Seminar at SMJK Yu Hua Kajang. The full-day seminar was jointly organised by Nalanda Free School and SMJK Yu Hua Kajang to prepare the students for their upcoming SPM examination.
Read moreOn Saturday 8 August, Achariya Tan Siang Chye began the lecture by explaining the meaning of “Kusala Kamma”, (wholesome deeds). The results of the deeds are determined by the intention which is shown through our action, speech and thought. Hence one’s progress or digress is dependent on one’s understanding and cultivation, and not from external sources.
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