
20 August 2015

A Joyous Gathering at Fun Fair

It has been more than a week since Nalanda’s ‘Family Fun Fair’ was held on 9 August; yet the happiness and satisfaction lingers on for the organisers and volunteers.  It was a ‘BIG’ happy family gathering with participation not only from branches, friends from afar, university youths, but tremendous support from visitors and members of the public.

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19 August 2015

Youths did well at ‘Family Fun Fair’

During the recent Nalanda ‘Family Fun Fair’, Nalandian youths embarked on a strong effort to reach out to the community of young Buddhists.  A ‘Youth Centre Canopy’ was set up comprising two sections: one section for Buddhist Societies from various universities to establish their stalls, and another section housing an exhibition themed “The Silver Lining”, which aimed to promote kindness.

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18 August 2015

Condolences to Aircrash victims’ families

On Sunday 16 August, a tragic air-crash took place in Papua Province, Indonesia.  The Trigana Air service was on a routine domestic flight from Jayapura to Oksibil but flew into bad weather.  The crash killed all 54 passengers and crew on board. Nalanda members offer our deepest condolences to the victims’ families and loved ones.  We empathize with your loss and grief.  We also pray that the casualties of this tragedy rest in Peace.  ‘Santi’.

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17 August 2015

‘Kalyana mittā’ at ‘Family Fun Fair’

During Nalanda ‘Family Fun Fair’, we were glad and motivated to receive various support from our friends who came from afar.  Our Kelantanese devotees comprising of 4 adults and 6 students arrived at Nalanda Centre on Friday, 7 August and helped earnestly with the preparations.

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17 August 2015

Indonesia’s 70th Independence Day

Today marks the Republic of Indonesia’s 70th Anniversary of Independence.  The vast country founded in 1945 at the end of World War II has come a long way since.  Indonesia today has succeeded in many aspects of nation-building, mainly due to its unifying philosophy of inclusiveness of all her people – the principle of ‘Bhinneka Tunggal Ika’ (unity in diversity).  This philosophy of inclusiveness, fairness and parity between races has forged a shared identity amongst Indonesians, defined by a national language, ethnic harmony, religious pluralism and tolerance.

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16 August 2015

Branch members at ‘Family Fun Fair’

Over the weekend on 8 – 9 August, members from Nalanda branches in Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru and Sungai Petani came to support the recent ‘Family Fun Fair’ – the Society’s fund-raising event in Sri Serdang.  It was a wonderful day as all members mingled and worked seamlessly with other Nalandians as we share a common culture of community service.

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15 August 2015

Visit by Venerable Dr. Dhammapala

On Tuesday 4 August, Nalanda Centre welcomed the visit by Venerable Dr. Dhammapala and several devotees from Hong Kong.  The venerable and devotees were warmly received by Director of Nalanda Centre, Sis. Nandini and Nalandians.

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14 August 2015

Buddhist Course in Mandarin

Nalanda Institute Malaysia is offering a basic Buddhist Studies course in Mandarin (BPS101) from 6 September to 25 October.  Classes will be held over eight consecutive Sundays, from 9am to 12pm.  The course covers essential teachings on ‘Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha’; the ‘Four Noble Truths’; ‘Kamma’; and ‘Wholesome Deeds’.

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12 August 2015

Service Sunday with Ven. Chi Kwang Sunim

On Sunday 2 August, Ven. Chi Kwang Sunim gave an interesting Dhamma talk on ‘Spreading Dharma in the West – the Australian Experience’ much to the delight of devotees.  Ayya shared her teaching experiences at various Buddhist Centres in Australia and emphasised the importance of family bonding as parents are the children’s first teachers.  As they grow up, the close family relations and guidance from the Dhamma will shape them into useful adults.

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11 August 2015

Alms-round in Seri Kembangan

On Saturday 18 July, Nalanda’s monthly ‘Pindacāra’ (monks going on alms-round) Programme was joyfully held at Seri Kembangan market.  Nalandians came together to set up the information counter and engage the public.  Despite being the ‘Hari Raya’ holidays, it was inspiring to see many traders and residents around to offer food to the two venerable monks.

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