
10 August 2015

‘Thank you’ for a fantastic Family Fun Fair

Nalanda’s ‘Family Fun Fair’ concluded joyfully yesterday with a massive show of support from the community!  Thousands of people had their fun day out with family and friends while supporting a noble cause at Nalanda Centre.

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9 August 2015

Happy birthday, Singapore!

Today marks the Republic of Singapore’s 50th National Day.  Our closest neighbour to the south is widely regarded as a well-developed and prosperous nation, known for its first-class infrastructure, education, and the embrace of multi-culturalism.  Many people attribute Singapore’s success to its superior geographic location at the crossroads of trade routes.  But then many other countries are also similarly endowed; yet they do not achieve Singapore’s accomplishments.

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9 August 2015

Welcome to Nalanda Family Fun Fair!

Nalanda’s ‘Family Fun Fair 2015’ begins at 9am today!  We look forward to welcoming you at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang for this annual event in support of holistic community education. Bring your family members and friends along to celebrate the wonderful community spirit here. Have a fun day out while supporting a noble cause.  See you at Nalanda!

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8 August 2015

We’re ready for Family Fun Fair!

After weeks of diligent preparation, Nalandians spent the whole of today in making final touches for the much-anticipated ‘Family Fun Fair’ tomorrow.  Since this morning, Nalanda members have been arriving at Sri Serdang from Kedah, Johor and Kuala Lumpur branches to help out. Our friends from Kelantan, Perak, Singapore and elsewhere also came to work alongside joyfully. Nalanda Centre was truly a hive of activity!

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8 August 2015

Āsalha Full-moon Uposatha Service

On Thursday 30 July, the Āsālha Full-moon Uposatha Service was observed at Nalanda Centre with offerings to the ‘Three Jewels’ and recitation of the ‘Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta’ – the Buddha’s first discourse on ‘Turning the Wheel of Dhamma’.

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7 August 2015

All geared up for Nalanda ‘Family Fun Fair’!

On Sunday 3 August, the dynamic and dedicated organising team of Nalanda’s ‘Family Fun Fair’ held three separate pre-event briefing sessions with volunteers.  Briefing for the Nalanda Dhamma School (NDS) students and youths were conducted by NDS facilitators and Youth Leaders respectively in the morning, whilst the ‘Family Fun Fair’ (FFF) organising chairperson, Sis. Evelyn briefed the adult volunteers in the afternoon session.

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6 August 2015

‘Never again’ to horrific conflicts

On 6 August 1945, the horrific ‘Atomic bomb’ was first used in warfare and dropped over Hiroshima, Japan.  Today marks the 70th anniversary of that tragic event.  More than 100,000 people were killed by the bomb and the subsequent fires and radiation.  220,000 more were injured, and scarred for life.  Hiroshima was obliterated.

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5 August 2015

Meditation and Dhamma Discussion

On Wednesday 29 July, devotees came together at Nalanda Centre to practise meditation and learn the Dhamma among spiritual friends.  After the sitting session, Sis. Sandy gave a Dhamma sharing on “simile of the raft”, the second simile from “Alagaddūpama Sutta”, Majjhima Nikāya Sutta 22.

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4 August 2015

Members’ Day in Kedah

On Saturday 25 July, Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch members gathered at Gurun Buddhist Association for their monthly Members’ Day.  During the meeting, Bro. Khaw Keng Hooi joyfully shared on the ‘Four Noble Truths’.  He encouraged members to have courage (one of Nalanda’s Core Values) to do the same as part of learning and practice.

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3 August 2015

Visit by ‘kalyana mittā’ from BF Singapore

On Sunday 2 August, a group of ‘kalyana mittā’ (spiritual friends) from Buddhist Fellowship Singapore joined Nalandians and devotees for a spiritual and joyful Service Sunday at Nalanda Centre.  The group was warmly hosted by Sis. Nandini, and brought on a building tour by Bro. Charlie and Sis. Santi.  After listening to a Dhamma talk by Venerable Chi Kwang Sunim, everyone took the opportunity to offer lunch dāna to Ayya.

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