
23 June 2015

Colourful Opening for Wesak Film Festival

The Wesak International Film Festival (WIFF) 2015 had a colourful opening and first screening on Saturday 20 June, at the Malaysia Tourism Centre (MATIC), Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur.  Gracing the occasion were members of the Maha Sangha and leaders of Buddhist organisations.  The audience was entertained with wonderful performances by local artistes Yang Wei Han and Xue Bing Jin, and Fo Guang Shan’s 24-season drummers.

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22 June 2015

Enrol now for Certificate in Buddhist Studies

Nalanda Institute’s Department of Buddhist & Pāli Studies is offering a 10-session course – BPS 303 Certificate in Buddhist Studies – commencing 4 July 2015. The course consists of four basic modules, which are:
1) Basic Buddhist Doctrines;
2) Buddhist Devotional Practice;
3) Buddhist Text & Scriptures; and
4) Term Assignment & Examination.

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21 June 2015

Happy Father’s Day

Thanks for your love, sacrifice, guidance and protection. We are most grateful to you!

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20 June 2015

‘Gotong-Royong’ at NEO Centre Kuala Lumpur

On Saturday 30 May, Nalandians from Sri Serdang and Kuala Lumpur came together to give NEO Centre in Happy Garden a thorough clean-up.  The enthusiastic volunteers also cleared the immediate neighbourhood of rubbish and illegal posters.  Everyone who took part in the cleaning were joyful to work together and in the process, had also gotten to know each other better, thus creating a stronger bond among Nalandians.

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19 June 2015

Wesak International Film Festival opens in KL

Malaysia Tourism Centre, Kuala Lumpur | 20-21 & 27-28 June

The Wesak International Film Festival (WIFF) opens in Kuala Lumpur this weekend!  This is the fourth time that Buddhist organizations in Malaysia are collectively organizing the festival to showcase the best in Buddhist films as part of the annual Wesak celebrations.

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18 June 2015

JB Free School celebrates Teacher’s Day

In conjunction with Teacher’s Day in May, Nalanda Free School at NEO Centre Johor Bahru celebrated the occasion in honour of our volunteer teachers for 3 days from 18 May to 20 May.  The teachers were surprised by their students as they were not informed of the planned celebration.

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17 June 2015

A tribute to Ajahn Chah

17 June marks the birth anniversary of Venerable Ajahn Chah Subhaddo – one of the greatest Dhamma teachers of the modern era.  We humbly pay tribute to Ajahn Chah’s immense contributions and wise teachings that have continued to guide thousands of people along the path of Dhamma.

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16 June 2015

Pindacāra at Seri Kembangan Market

On Saturday 16 May, the monthly educational ‘Pindacāra’ (monks going on alms-round) Programme at Seri Kembangan market was eagerly participated by devotees.  Members of the public were waiting patiently along the ‘Pindacāra’ route to offer food to Sangha members.  Our friendly ‘People Engagement’ team was also on hand to explain to the public at nearby eateries the meaning and significance of ‘Pindacāra’. Read more

15 June 2015

Lingering joy after Wesak

Although it has been a month since Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ B.E. 2559 was celebrated at Nalanda Centre, the joy lingers on for many Nalandians as we recollect our Dhamma learning and the wholesome deeds performed during that period.

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14 June 2015

Joyful Wesak at Nalanda Centre

This year’s Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ was truly special and joyful for Nalandians, as members from Nalanda’s three branches in Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru and Sungai Petani came ‘home’ to join in the celebrations in Sri Serdang.  The gathering of Nalandians from 1 to 3 May also took part in celebrating the Society’s 12th Anniversary, the Officiating Ceremony of Nalanda Centre Annex Building, as well as participating in the 3rd National Members’ Convention.

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